Although there are more than 3 billion people on Facebook, advertising on this platform is not always easy. Merely posting on your Facebook page is not enough. In fact, in some cases, traditional sponsored posts and ads don’t reap the results you expect.

So, what to do in such a case?

One way to stand out and make your audience stop scrolling is to make an offer to them in your chiropractic Facebook ad.

In this blog post, I am talking about the Facebook offer and the elements that make your offer just right for your ideal patients.

Let’s get started!

What Type of Ad Offers Work for Chiropractic Marketing

Facebook allows its users to create offer ads through which they can promote any sort of discount, sale, or anything extra that turns a regular service into something extraordinary. Your ideal audience can avail of this offer both online or by visiting your office. These ads appear like any typical ads on users’ feeds, but its ‘avail the offer’ button makes it stand out from any regular post on the feed.

On Facebook, you can run three types of offer ads, which are as follows:

Online Offers: These types of offer ads promote a type of discount or sale that can be redeemed online on a website or mobile app. For instance, if you are offering a 20% discount on your chiropractic service, you share a discount code with your audience that they can apply at the checkout to pay the slashed price of your service. This type of offer is usually common for e-commerce businesses, but you can also incorporate it in your chiropractic Facebook ad. This can work well for patients who are revisiting your office or who have multiple sittings. They can avail the discount if they choose to pay in advance. This is also a great way to ensure the recurrence of revenue as well as patient retention.

In-Store Offer Ads: These types of offer ads promote an added benefit that people can only avail by visiting the store. This is an ideal option for your chiropractic Facebook ad. Your patients are deemed to visit your office to avail of your services, so this offer ad can work for them. In this type of offer ad, you can share a barcode or a QR code that can be scanned at the time of payment at your office.

Online & In-Store Offer: This type of offer ad renders a discount that can be used both online as well as by an in-store visit. For instance, if you are offering a free consultation along with a discount, you can opt for this type of offer ad.

Chiropractic facebook ad offer

Elements That Make Your Chiropractic Facebook Ad Offer Just Right

Digital marketing is a battle in which you fight to gain your target audience’s attention. That is why it is important that your chiropractic Facebook ad offer should have certain elements that your prospective patients cannot resist. Here are a few things you must consider to make your offer more legit and captivating.

Offer A Substantial Added Benefit

A good chiropractic Facebook ad offer is all about something extra that your patients can get. It could be a discount or a free initial consultation session. No matter what your offer is, make it substantial enough to lure your audience.

If you are offering a discount on your treatment fee, there is no minimum value but the more substantial the discount, the better the performance of your chiropractic Facebook ad. A survey conducted to depict consumer behavior regarding coupons and discounts suggests that people consider a discount of at least 25% substantial enough to take action. The same survey also highlights that people like to know exactly how much of a dollar amount they can save if they opt for your offer. So, the best practice, in this case, is to highlight the slashed price of your service.

Therefore, when you want to promote a chiropractic Facebook ad offer, make sure that you offer a discount that makes sense to your audience. From a 25% discount on your service to a free consultation or even a bundled-up offer, you can be as creative with your offer as you want.

If you are struggling to create a chiropractic Facebook ad offer, you can get in touch with a professional agency. We have helped many chiropractors in attaining their growth goals. Schedule a demo call with us here to get more details and information.

Chiropractic marketing and advertising

Set A Reasonable Expiry Date For Your Offer

All promotional deals, discounts, and offers come with an expiry date. Of course, you cannot offer them for a lifetime. While setting an expiry date for your offer, you ought to give yourself enough time for your audience to take action. When you scour Facebook, you see all types of offer ads. Some even last for a few hours, typically known as ‘happy hour’ deals. Such offers obviously won’t be valid for you.

In your chiropractic Facebook ad offer provide enough time for your audience to get to know your service, make up their mind and eventually book an appointment. Your audience should have enough time to see, save and claim your offer. The ideal time frame that can work for your offer is 10 to 12 days.

Educate Them Through Post-Click Landing Pages

When you are running your chiropractic Facebook ad or even any sort of digital advertiser, you cannot do it without a landing page. I talk about the importance of campaign-specific landing pages in almost every post. It is really that important.

Directing your audience to your campaign-specific landing page, you give your audience exactly what they are looking for. It is the best way to nurture your audience and move them forward in the sales funnel. Sending them to your website, home page, or service page can make them confused. It’s like they are left on their own to figure out things.

My expert advice to you is always to have a landing page for your offer in which you can educate them about your offer and explain it in detail.

Highlight Terms & Conditions

Suppose you are offering a 20% discount on your services and promoting it through your chiropractic Facebook ad. Explicitly, it seems a simple discount that your patients can avail, but in practice, it implies a lot more details than you can imagine and you are required to think about all these details and clearly communicate to your audience through terms and conditions. For instance, your discount is valid for 15 days, and then you must mention that one person can avail of this discount only once during this period. If you offer some sort of discount on card payments, then you must mention if this discount can be coupled with card payments or not.

While defining your terms and conditions, you must also strive to keep your language simple, easy to understand, and concise. Don’t make it complicated for your audience to understand or add any unnecessary step or activity for them.

Crafting Compelling Chiropractic Facebook Ads

Train Your Office Staff

People wait for amazing discount offers and deals and constantly look for them to make the most of these opportunities. When you run any chiropractic Facebook ad offer, you must also brace yourself as well as train your staff for that. First, you have to be ready for more influx of patients than usual, and secondly, you must also train your staff and communicate to them the discount offer and its terms and conditions. In case all your advertisement and marketing is handled by an agency, they must update you about the terms and conditions.

Wrapping Up

Chiropractic Facebook ad offers are a great way to amp up your marketing game. It really is something that can give you notable results and boost your practice. But of course, you have to think about all the things that make the practical implementation of these offers smooth and viable. Just take care of all the things that I discussed above, and you’ll be on the right track.

If you are willing to promote incredible offers to your potential clients but can’t find time to implement them, schedule a discovery call here with my team to learn more about our services and the customization that we can offer you.

Zack Siegel

Zack Siegel


Zack is a conversion rate lover and PPC ad man spending most of his time optimizing.

He’s an avid bookworm, Chipotle’s most valued customer, and pursuant stand-up comedian…

We give him reality checks every day.