Today, the amount of data available to marketers is unbelievably incredible. By utilizing this data and information, marketing becomes highly targeted, leading to increased engagement and conversion rates among a larger audience. Business owners and marketers are able to appear in front of their ideal audience and communicate their messages to them. This holds absolutely true for healthcare professionals as well.

When your chiropractic Facebook ad is set up in the light of data and is highly targeted, your ad performance increases multi-fold. This means you put your marketing budget to good use. 

Let me walk you through some of the ways in which you can run targeted chiropractic Facebook ads. I will also talk about some of the benefits of running targeted Chiropractic Facebook Ads, so you know why it is so important to do that! 

Let’s dive in!

The Powerful Tools To Create Targeted Ads

Facebook offers audience tools through which you can reach people who are most likely to be interested in your chiropractic services. By running targeted chiropractic Facebook ads, you reach relevant patients as well as get in a position to create more personalized, meaningful, and lasting relationships with your patients. Here are three major audience tools that the platform offers that can help you run targeted ads.

Also, read: Targeting Your Chiropractic Marketing: Who is Your Ideal Patient?

Targeted Chiropractic Facebook Ads

1. Smart Targeted Ads Rely On Well-Defined Core Audience

When you run your chiropractic Facebook ad, you have to accurately define your audience for smarter and better ad targeting. One of the audience selection tools that Facebook offers is Core Audience. This platform empowers you to decide where your ad should appear. To describe your core audience, you get the following parameters:

  • Location
  • Demographics
  • Interests
  • Behavior
  • Connections

On the basis of these parameters, you can curate an accurate profile of your ideal patient and set it for your chiropractic Facebook ad. Remember, the key here is to narrow down the selection of these aspects so that your ad only appears before a relevant audience. Leaving your ad to be broadly targeted won’t give you tangible results.

If you maintain a broad core audience, you may achieve an impressive reach and possibly even good engagement. However, this approach might not always result in new appointments or increased office foot traffic. 

For instance, if your office is located in Florida, but you target Ohio within your core audience, the audience may appreciate your ad, but they are unlikely to travel for your services. Therefore, it is crucial to accurately define your audience profile and set your core audience accordingly.

2. Ensure Impressive Targeted Ad Performance Through Custom Audience

When you create a custom audience for your chiropractic Facebook ad, you reach out to people who have previously engaged with your office online or otherwise. 

People in this set may range from your site visitors, app users (if you have an app), active information seekers (through calls or direct messages on social), or even people who have availed of your chiropractic treatment. You set a custom audience for your chiropractic Facebook ad in the following ways.

Whether you have a proper CRM system or just maintain important information about your patients in an excel sheet, you can retarget them through your chiropractic Facebook ads. You can sync up data from your CRM or your contact list on Facebook and convey an offer that will make them come back to you once again. All you have to do is format your data in the way the platform accepts and you are ready to roll out your message to this audience.

You can also reach out to people who visit your web page to seek information about your services, book an appointment, or do any sort of activity there (reading the blog, checking contact details, or giving feedback). To do the job, you have to install Facebook pixel on your website. Facebook pixel is a code that you get to put up on your website that tracks users’ activities. This pixel automatically creates a set of custom audiences for your site visitors.

Lastly, if you have an app, you can also create a custom audience through Facebook SDK, which drives people to opt for in-app actions.

Want help with creating a custom audience or anything related to digital advertising? My team at Think Bullish has ample experience and expertise to assist you with digital advertisement. Schedule a discovery call here, and let us tell you all the incredible things we can do for your office.

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3. Getting New Leads Is A Breeze With Targeted Ads

So, you’ve found your patients from your chiropractic Facebook ad, and they even gave you good business.

What’s next?

Obviously, you’d want to get new leads to further expand your leads. The good news is that you can easily find your new leads if you run targeted chiropractic Facebook ads.

Simply put, you have to set a source audience comprising people you know, or you have done business with, and then your ad reaches people similar to them. It is just like taking the audience of your targeted ad who actually converted into clients and creating a lookalike audience.

Pro Tip: While creating a source list, make sure that you have at least the data of 1000 patients to let the platform map out and find similar people.

This feature allows marketers to tap into another set of audience who exudes similar characteristics and the same level of interest in your service. An easy-peasy way to find new potential patients.

Remarkable Benefits Of Targeted Ads

There are many powerful ways through which targeted Facebook ads serve you. To make sure you understand the importance of opting for these, I am highlighting some benefits that you can harness from targeted ads.

High ROI Guaranteed With Targeted Ads

Whenever you opt for any sort of investment, the next inevitable and immediate aspect you consider is its return. The same goes for investing in your chiropractic Facebook ads. If you are willing to spend on Facebook ads, the number one strategy that can guarantee high returns is targeted ads.

Through targeted chiropractic Facebook ads, you eliminate people who will not be interested in availing of your services and reach only the right audience at a lower cost.

To explain it in the simplest of ways, I’ll give you this example: If you had multiple keys to one lock, you’d try out different keys to know which one would open the door. It would take your energy and time and leave you frustrated. However, if I label the key to the door, you’d only try that key. Similarly, targeted ads don’t address a different group of audiences just to see if they’re interested or not; rather, these ads only appear in front of interested potential patients.

Boost Awareness And Engagement With Targeted Facebook Ads

One of the powerful impacts of running chiropractic Facebook ads is that you can easily boost engagement and in turn, raise awareness about your brand and the services you render. 

When people see an ad relevant to their needs, they are more likely to respond to it; thus it boosts engagement. They like the ad, comment, and share it with their friends and families. This way, you don’t only get impressive engagement, but sharing your ad with friends or tagging them in the comments brings in new followers and potential patients.

Also, read: How to Set Effective Goals for Your Chiropractic Google Ad Campaign

How to Maximize Your Reach with Chiropractic Facebook Ads

A Guide To Creating Relevant Ads

Another major benefit of running targeted chiropractic Facebook ad is that your ads are highly relevant. Plus, targeted ads also provide guidelines about your ad’s copy and creatives. 

For instance, when you create copy for retargeted ads, you’d use different words than you use for the core audience. Your captions will be descriptive and will aim to raise awareness for an ad targeted toward the core audience, whereas your retargeting ads would accompany captions that highlight benefits.

To Sum Up!

Owing to its rich variety of targeting options, your chiropractic Facebook ad campaign can reach just about any niche. Running these targeted ads fuels your marketing efforts. You begin reaching the right people, getting leads, and ultimately witnessing conversations.

Although it’s a major factor, good targeting is only one aspect of a successful campaign. Your copy, ad creative, landing page, and offer also contribute to making an ad highly deliverable.

You may get a well-defined blueprint and guide about running targeted chiropractic Facebook ads, but realistically, having an idea about something is one thing, and putting it into practice is another. 

So, if you are overwhelmed by the task of targeted ads or digital advertising in general, availing the services of a specialized agency will be a good idea. You can book a discovery call here to talk to my team at my agency, Think Bullish, where we passionately and enthusiastically help many chiropractors like you.

Also, if you’d like to know about other aspects of digital advertising, check out my other blog posts. I am listing down a few posts that may spark interest in you, but for more content, hop over to my blog posts.

  1. Expert Tips for Chiropractors: How to Plan and Execute a Profitable Chiropractic Google Ad Campaign
  2. Maximizing ROI: A Chiropractor’s Guide to Choosing the Right Marketing Partner
  3. How To Use Tiktok For Chiropractic Marketing Successfully?
Zack Siegel

Zack Siegel


Zack is a conversion rate lover and PPC ad man spending most of his time optimizing.

He’s an avid bookworm, Chipotle’s most valued customer, and pursuant stand-up comedian…

We give him reality checks every day.