Do you know about the latest announcement by Instagram that they are soon to launch Creator Marketplace?

The platform recently announced that it’s launching a creators marketplace through which content creators, businesses, and professionals will be able to collaborate and showcase their products/services with their community..

Just days before this announcement, Instagram rolled out the pinning feature followed by another update.

What I want to tell you is that the only thing that’s constant on this exciting platform is change! This obviously requires marketers, business owners, and entrepreneurs to be on their toes to keep a track of constant updates, new features, and multiple ad formats. That of course makes making advertising and marketing on this platform a no mean feat.

Instagram marketing is a lot different in the healthcare and medical field, but it still holds immense significance and can produce remarkable results. As a specialized marketer for different medical practices, I have learned a lot about chiropractic Instagram ads. In this post, I am sharing some of the dos and don’ts for you to guide your way into running successful Instagram ads.

The Dos of Chiropractic Instagram Ads

Before I caution you about things you should avoid, I’d like to lay down some strategies you must follow for running your chiropractic Instagram ads successfully.

The Dos of Instagram Ads

Limited Spend, Limitless Learning

Want to know the best way to master chiropractic Instagram ads? 

It lies in testing and trying. You need to understand what works for your audience whether it is video views, static posts, or a collaboration with an influencer. Allocate a limited spend on different types of content and observe diligently what engages your audience. Once you identify and learn, you know where you have to make your investment.

Run Video Ads and Go Live

Among US social video viewers, Instagram ranks third with 33.4% of the audience preferring the platform to watch videos. So, why not make the most of this trend and promote your services through video ads and by going live on your Instagram account? The video ads allow you to explain how you can relieve your patients by elaborating how your services make a difference. Video ads are also good to share your patient’s testimonials and feedback. The cherry on top is that this format receives double the engagement as compared to photo-based or carousel ads. 

Also, read: How To Explode Your Chiropractic Practice Through Attorney Referral Marketing

The Right Choice: Select Ad Formats Wisely

Instagram offers different ad formats. From photo ads to carousels, video ads to slideshows, running chiropractic Instagram ads can be quite overwhelming with all these choices. Select a format by aligning it with your ad goals and objectives. If you want to explain your chiropractic services and their benefits, video ads can render results. If you are just starting out, photo ads are perfect. If you want to highlight the different services you offer, carousels are ideal for that. Mix and match and create an Instagram grid that offers value to your community.

Track Your Progress To Avoid Blind Spots

You need to monitor your ads from day one of your campaign. Tracking your progress is an important step that can make or break your chiropractic Instagram ad campaigns. Luckily, there are tools and resources that help you analyze your progress. Facebook’s own Ads Manager can provide you with all the insights and data you need to measure your success. Or, you can also simply make the most of Instagram Insights to adjust your ad campaigns. The key here is to consistently monitor the content which gets the most engagement to spend more advertisement budget on it!

Chiropractic Instagram Ads

In The Sea of Fancy, Standout By Opting for Simplicity

Leverage a simple chiropractic Instagram ad campaign to gain more patients. The element of simplicity becomes even more important for medical practitioners owing to this highly serious field. Terms like digital advertising, mammoth spending, visually appealing creatives, and complicated media plans may seem intimidating, but you don’t have to fall for that. A simple campaign with defined objectives can do the job for you. Sync your goals and ad creatives to drive results. 

Think Bullish offers tailored and specialized services to many chiropractors like you and help them with Instagram ads. You can schedule a call with my team here if you are unsure how to make the most of Instagram for your chiropractic practice.

You can also check out a testimonial of our reputation that highlights how we helped a chiropractor in getting the most fruitful leads.

Don’ts of Chiropractic Instagram Ads

Now that you know what to do to make your chiropractic Instagram ads successful, you must also take into consideration some things to avoid if you really want your Instagram ad campaign to be successful.

The Balanced Act: Neither Too Broad Nor Too Narrow Audience 

Your target audience is the core of your chiropractic Instagram ad campaign. Never keep your target audience too broad or too narrow. If you want your ad to reach just about anyone, you would hardly get any appointments. On the other hand, if your target audience is too focused, it would lack volume. The best bet is to opt for custom and lookalike audiences. You can also lean on audience insights and Google Analytics to define your niche as accurately as possible.

Don’t Forget To Follow-Up With Your Leads

If you’re getting DMs, have a strategy to respond to your audience. Engaging leads from time to time will keep your clinic’s name on top of their mind. They will continue to visit your website, interact with you on Instagram and submit their queries until they become your patients. You can implement a thoughtful plan to convert your leads into patients by constantly engaging with them. 

To start with you can even avail the services of trained and expert sales agents to follow up with your leads

Also, read: Chiropractic Marketing: The “Cheat Code” To A Million Dollar Practice

It’s Not An One-And-Done Show

You’ve set your chiropractic Instagram ad campaign objectives, defined your target audience well, designed a captivating ad creative and your campaign is live, voila! 

But sadly, it’s not a win yet. Don’t leave your ad on its own even if it is meeting your goals. Once your ad is live, you need to constantly edit it and look for ways to optimize your Instagram ads. For instance, if you are currently promoting a discount offer on your chiropractic services and it’s giving you qualified leads, you can also optimize it by collaborating with influencers in your niche to share that on their profiles.

Don’t Put All Your Eggs In One Basket; Rather, Diversify Your Spend

It’s good if you’ve got a good budget to spend on your chiropractic Instagram ads. But, it won’t be wise to spend all of it in one go and only on a single format. A better approach is to start with a small ad spend on different formats. If a particular format performs well, you can spend more on that. 

Ideally, when a campaign performs well, you should increase your spending on that every three days. But, I must highlight that you should experiment with formats by keeping your audience in mind. Spamming them with different types of ads from left, right, and center can confuse them.

Don’ts of Chiropractic Instagram Ads

Don’t Underestimate Supportive Tools & Never Hesitate Asking for Help

There are a lot of mechanisms that drive a successful Instagram ad and all of them can take a toll on you if you have a limited budget, time, and expertise. Thanks to ever-evolving technology and innovation, there are apps, tools, and resources to publish and schedule content and also agencies to look after your digital presence. Make the most of these tools and seek help to run your chiropractic Instagram ad campaigns.

Surely, the ever-changing algorithm, latest trends, and multiple ad formats can be a little tricky for you, especially if you have no experience and expertise in digital marketing. To facilitate you we offer specialized and customized services. You can schedule a call with my team here and they will tell you all about the incredible services we offer that have helped many chiropractors like you in growing their patient list.

Chiropractic marketing and advertising
Zack Siegel

Zack Siegel


Zack is a conversion rate lover and PPC ad man spending most of his time optimizing.

He’s an avid bookworm, Chipotle’s most valued customer, and pursuant stand-up comedian…

We give him reality checks every day.