If you’re looking for a creative way to market your shockwave therapy practice, consider using Instagram reels.

Reels are a relatively new feature on the Instagram platform that allows businesses to create short videos that tell a story about their brand or practice.

Today, I will walk you through how to use reels in your shockwave therapy marketing strategy and provide tips for creating successful videos.

There are several reasons you should use reels on Instagram instead of just stories

Reels are much more shareable than stories. They show up in the explore tab, which means they can be seen by a larger audience than stories. Additionally, reels have a better sound quality and can allow you to add special effects like music and text overlays.

There are several ways to use Instagram for your practice. For example, you can share photos and videos with your potential or existing patients or create content that disappears after 24 hours through Stories. 

The only people who can see the content you post to your timeline are your followers, and that includes stories. You could buy ads to share your story, but you may not have the budget or time for that.

If you’re looking for more ways to broaden your shockwave therapy marketing reach, consider using Instagram reels. The content you create with reels can be seen by anyone–not just your followers–so your potential audience is much greater. And, like TikTok, any user with an Instagram account can engage with that content. 

Utilizing reels on Instagram can result in a significant increase in your follower count as well as greater engagement with your posts.

If you’re not sure how to get started with using Reels to boost your shockwave therapy marketing efforts, schedule a call with my team today for a consultation.

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Creating Content For Your Reels Strategy

When creating content for your shockwave therapy reels strategy, it’s important to stay true to your brand identity. Think about who your target audience is and consider how you can create content that appeals to them. Showcase patient testimonials, do service demonstrations (with patient consent), or share helpful tips related to your practice. People love to watch videos that are informative and entertaining, so be sure to put some time into creating content that will attract potential patients.

Secondly, reels provide a great opportunity to engage with your patients. Encourage them to comment, share, and like your content by creating polls or asking questions. This will help you build relationships with potential patients and make them more likely to use your shockwave therapy services.

You can also repost user-generated content from followers who have experienced success with shockwave therapy – this is a great way to show potential patients what shockwave therapy can do for them.

Once you have created content for your reel strategy, it’s important to promote them effectively in order to get the most out of your efforts. Make sure that you’re using relevant hashtags when posting and use other social media platforms such as Twitter or Facebook to drive more traffic toward your Instagram page. You can also run paid campaigns on Instagram Ads Manager for extra visibility.

The more you post, the better your chances are of getting noticed

The frequency with which you post will affect how high your videos rank with Instagram’s algorithm. In other words, the more reels you have, the better the chance people will see and engage with them. Since Instagram is really pushing its new reel feature, it would be beneficial to post content more often.

Although you don’t need to post something new daily, we suggest creating content 1-3 times weekly for reels. This keeps your audience’s attention without bombarding them with too much information at once. For consistency, try and adhere to posting on the same days of the week and around the same time each day.

instagram reels strategy for your shockwave therapy marketing

How do Reels work?

The reels tab is located next to “Story” at the bottom of your camera when you open up Instagram. You can record new videos from there. There are many ways that you can edit Reels videos, but be sure to take notice of all these configurations:

  • Sound and Audio– Reels, much like TikTok, provide a library of songs to choose from when adding music to your videos. However, you can also opt to use additional audio sources. 
  • Special Effects – Instagram has access to a large number of augmented reality effects, both from the company and content creators. 
  • Time  – The new hands-free recording feature on Reels makes it easy to record videos. You can either turn on the timer and get a 3-2-1 countdown or give your video a pre-determined amount of time to stop recording (or both!).
  • Speed – With Reels, you’re not limited to one speed for your video. You can increase the speed of the recording for a more pronounced effect.

The Reels you’ve created can always be shared with your followers, but the IG community can also discover them through “Explore.” Your Reels videos will only be publicly shared if your privacy settings allow it. 

Reels made on private accounts have limited sharing options because only your followers can see them when they’re posted to your Feed. But people won’t be able to use original audio or share your Reels with others outside of your follower list. 

On the other hand, public accounts receive all of the benefits reels has to offer. This includes making your Reels accessible to anyone via Explore and also organizing your reels according to songs, hashtags, or effects used.

Not sure how to keep your marketing efforts consistent? My youtube guide on How To Keep Your Advertising Consistent will help you get started.

Ways you can use reels for shockwave therapy marketing 

By utilizing Instagram, medical professionals are able to express their thoughts and feelings to potential audiences. Not only does the platform do an incredible job of getting messages out there, but it also provides a great way to preview newly launched healthcare products through Reels.

By providing sneak peeks in a funny and entertaining way, you can help increase traffic to your website while quickly boosting appointments for your practice.

To get some ideas for your shockwave therapy reel strategy, take a look at what successful shockwave therapy practices are doing. For example, one practice created an informational video on shockwave therapy and how it can help people with chronic pain.

The shockwave therapy industry is competitive and it’s important to stand out. Try creating content that your competitors aren’t, such as shockwave therapy trends or new shockwave devices on the market. You can also engage with influencers in the shockwave therapy community by reposting their content or asking them to collaborate on a reel with you.

By leveraging Instagram reels, you can build an online community of people interested in shockwave therapy and reach potential customers who may not have otherwise found your practice. With the right shockwave therapy reel strategy, you can increase brand awareness and ultimately boost sales for your shockwave services.

These examples show how shockwave therapy businesses can create content that is both informative and entertaining at the same time. By creating engaging content around your shockwave therapy services, you will be able to attract more potential patients who may not have known about shockwave therapy before they saw your reel.

How to measure the success of your reels?

The best way to measure the success of your shockwave therapy reel strategy is to keep track of engagement metrics such as likes, comments, and shares. This will give you an idea of how successful your content is at reaching potential customers and engaging them with your shockwave therapy services.

You can also use analytics tools like Instagram Insights to get an even deeper insight into how people are interacting with your shockwave therapy Reels.

Getting started

If you’re already using TikTok to market your business with short-form videos, then shifting to reels is an easy decision. With over 500 million active users, Instagram has the potential to reach a much larger audience for shockwave therapy practitioners who want to grow their practice.

At Thinkbullish, we specialize in social media marketing for medical professionals. Our extensive experience with short-form video marketing on TikTok and Reels has helped our clients go viral within days of launching their content.

If you’re looking for an effective shockwave therapy reel strategy to help grow your practice and increase sales, contact Thinkbullish today. Our experienced team of social media experts can provide you with customized solutions that will make sure your shockwave therapy reels stand out from the competition. Get started now!

Zack Siegel

Zack Siegel


Zack is a conversion rate lover and PPC ad man spending most of his time optimizing.

He’s an avid bookworm, Chipotle’s most valued customer, and pursuant stand-up comedian…

We give him reality checks every day.