🤬 $300k/month – $0 in ad spend. Imagine what that looks like in your business. I was recently working with a business during a total crisis. Google shut them down. Previously, it was their only source of business. So what do you do? …Fight like hell is the short answer. We rebuilt their business by quickly scaling and thoroughly testing new campaigns on Bing.. which turned out to be the only approved source of business. Proceeded, to pursue Facebook and Google’s approval to regain marketing efforts their as well.
Believe it or not, this worked to their advantage. 🌅 In December, they spent $20k on ads with us and generated a significantly higher ROI (24:1 ROI) than they typically achieved with $300,000 in spend (a 2:1 ROI previously). How’d we do it? Besides, deep diving into an understanding of their audiences needs and desires and thoroughly split-testing campaigns, their power was in MULTIPLE PLATFORMS. The power to re-market cross-channel on the entire internet is so powerful. Are you relying on just one platform for your marketing? Just Google? Maybe just Facebook? Or other? Be careful. Like this company experienced, this is dangerous and unethical to your business and family. I challenge you to evaluate that decision. Facebook and Google are ever-changing their terms and conditions, software, and advertising policies. To be at the grip of their policies is a bad decision.  You need to tap into more platforms. Besides, if done correctly, you can gain far more authority from this as well. Picture the big fish in a small pond. Imagine if you are always top of mind for your audience. You can be their go-to trusted source and leading authority on the services you provide by staying top-of-mind and build a relationship with them before even shaking their hand. This stuff works! 🥇 If you are interested in achieving similar results reach out to us in the Messenger at the bottom right of the screen. Let’s talk. Achieving omnipresence across the entire internet and liberating yourself from the dysfunction of an incomplete sales process does not have to bet the constant this month. Imagine if you constantly appeared before your audience and they wanted to see you. Imagine if you were the only rational choice when people in your community are seeking your service. Imagine if you had a client-generating machine, that predictably pumped out new clients that kept investing in you again, again, and AGAIN! This doesn’t have to remain a “pipe dream.” 📲 Let’s get you there.