Marketing is a vast phenomenon where the art and science it takes can bewilder even the best of us. Whether you have just started to promote your practice or are a pro at it, your success begins by defining your target market accurately. 

In chiropractic marketing, understanding precisely whom you want to serve is the real deal breaker. Knowing pain points and having a profound understanding of your ideal patients allows you to reach out to them and communicate your message clearly and authentically.

Today, I am going to talk about your target market and establishing a profile for your ideal patients. Not only that, but I will also walk you through a few refined segments ready for you to target and serve.

So, let’s get into this.

How to Determine Who is Your Right Patient?

If you take your chiropractic marketing seriously, the first and foremost thing you must do is find your people. 

Let’s look at it this way. If I give you all the digits of my phone number but don’t tell you the order, you won’t ever be able to call me. Similarly, if you know all the needs and requirements of your ideal patients but don’t work on characterizing them and strategically refining them, you won’t be able to reach them. 

The tactic to find the people you can serve involves curating a detailed profile of your ideal patient. This is the key step in your chiropractic marketing that can turn everything around for your practice.

Targeting Your Chiropractic Marketing Who is Your Ideal Patient (3)

Ideal Patients for Chiropractic Marketing

Now that we know the significance of understanding and defining your target audience, the next logical step is to indulge in the exercise to actually convert this insight into action. 

The best practice is to think about your ideal patients and answer the two main questions.

  • What are the biggest pain points and frustrations your ideal patients are going through right now?
  • What action can you take to show them that you understand their issues and that you can help them to recover from this?

Answer these questions and take into consideration other demographic factors such as age, gender, profession, behavioral traits (like the ability to adopt new ideas, the relationship between chiropractic patients and their family doctor, and the likelihood of family doctors to refer chiropractic treatments), and other factors to discover the following segments of the target audience that you can address and serve.

Let’s talk about demographic factors in more detail next.

Patients aged 45 to 65 with Health Issues

In the broadest form, people aged between 45 to 65 with health issues can be a good target market for chiropractors. 

A number of health problems related to the muscular, nervous, and skeletal systems begin to appear among this segment and they actively seek out chiropractors to manage and cure their pains and discomfort. The cherry on top is that this segment often has disposable income to pay for visits.

Individuals aged between 25 to 44 seek alternative medicine

Due to increased awareness through social media about alternative medicine, individuals aged between 25 to 44 are more open and willing to try different alternative therapies and treatments. 

This segment includes early adopters of new trends and those who don’t hesitate to try out new things. This can be a significant motivator for people in this age group to opt for chiropractic treatments.

These people are more open to the idea that chiropractic treatments can help them manage their pain. 

Targeting Your Chiropractic Marketing Who is Your Ideal Patient (2)


Core professional athletes and even semi-athletes are a huge and lucrative audience for your chiropractic marketing. These sporty folks seek chiropractic treatments to prevent injuries, cure pain resulting from injuries, and sometimes enhance their performance. 

In addition to the treatments, chiropractors are also reported to render valuable consultations regarding rehabilitation, diet, and exercise.

The clientele of many chiropractors usually comprises athletes. According to a study about chiropractors, 64% of chiropractors indulged in the treatment of athletes, and 78% were treating semi-professional athletes.

Weightlifters and Bodybuilders

Weightlifters and bodybuilders are other attractive segments to target in your chiropractic marketing efforts. These segments put a lot of stress on their muscles, and chiropractic treatments can help them strengthen their muscles as well as manage and reduce muscle pain. 

The three great benefits that weightlifters can gain from chiropractic services include: performance improvement, preventing injuries, and treating injuries. You can highlight these benefits in your chiropractic marketing communication and attract patients from this segment.

If you are looking for someone pro in your field who can perform the exercise to target your ideal patients digitally, consider Think Bullish. You can book a call with my team here, and they will guide you more about our services.

Chiropractic marketing and advertising

Pregnant Women

Female bodies go through a drastic transformation during pregnancy. As the fetus grows and hormonal changes take place, women suffer from pain and discomfort. 

With the help of chiropractic treatments, pregnant women can get relief from ligament pain, sciatica, pelvic pain, and lower back and neck pain. A study shows that 50% of pregnant women experience back pain during pregnancy, and 50% to 75% suffer from back pain during labor.

According to another study, 31% of respondents (pregnant women) suggested that they opt for alternative therapies during pregnancy, and chiropractic is the third most common treatment they prefer.

Many pregnant women use gentle techniques and treatments to align the back and pelvis that facilitates an easier and less painful delivery. So surely, this segment can also be great to target for your chiropractic marketing campaign.

Newborns And Children

This is a segment that chiropractors often overlook, but newborns and children can also be a part of your chiropractic marketing. 

Due to prolong or complex labor, newborns suffer from traumatic stress and develop skeletal and spine problems. Here, chiropractors play their part in treating these conditions. Also, chiropractic treatments can help children suffering from injuries, asthma, and colic issues.

And, of course, when you run marketing campaigns to address the needs of this segment, you have to target new parents because a newborn wouldn’t be on digital media, and young children don’t have purchase decision power.

Pick Up A Niche

I laid out a number of segments that could be right for your chiropractic practice. You can opt for chiropractic marketing to target all, but the thing with being a generic chiropractor is that you may find yourself drowning in the sea of opportunities. That is why I suggest you pick up a niche and promote your name as a specialist in that field.

If you are wondering what this hype about niche marketing is, let me tell you that when you project yourself as a specialist in a particular field rather than as a general practitioner, your patients tend to trust you more. So while you may be able to treat anything that comes under the spectrum of chiropractic, when your patients know they are going to a specialist, it hits differently.

While picking up your niche, you must figure out which segment you want to help or serve the most. 

For instance, sports chiropractic is quite a common niche that serves athletes and sportspeople. If you have a passion for healing sports injuries and care about this segment the most, you can promote your name as a specialist in the field. You can even collaborate with these specialized clinics, hospitals, and specialists for your niche-specific chiropractic marketing. This co-marketing concept can give you a lot of benefits and boost your practice multi-fold. 

Final Thoughts

I have discussed in detail above different segments that you can choose and target for your chiropractic marketing. But, there are other factors too that you can consider to further refine your target markets, such as age, gender, income, and area. All you need to do is curate a profile for your ideal patient according to your expertise, location, and serving capabilities and then target them using various digital advertising platforms. The more accurate your target market is, the more successful it will be.

If you are up for this idea of accurately targeting your market but lack the expertise to capitalize on this concept on digital platforms like Google and Facebook, you can avail the services of my expertise and the specialized team at Think Bullish. 

Schedule a discovery call here, and my team will fill you in on all the transformational things they can do for you.

Zack Siegel

Zack Siegel


Zack is a conversion rate lover and PPC ad man spending most of his time optimizing.

He’s an avid bookworm, Chipotle’s most valued customer, and pursuant stand-up comedian…

We give him reality checks every day.