Here’s the truth: Google is the number one advertising platform in the USA right now!

There is more than one reason why Google tops the chart. 

It allows in-market targeting and quick optimization. Plus, it is super cost-effective.

But, the big question here is why, despite being this powerful medium of advertising, many chiropractors are unable to capitalize on it and unlock the growth opportunities for their practice.

Although there can be plenty of loopholes in your chiropractic Google ad campaign that may be hindering your progress, my sneaking suspicion starts from the basics. So, I reckon that the very first step that practitioners often overlook is effective goal-setting for their chiropractic marketing campaigns.

Effectively deciding goals for your chiropractic Google ad campaigns act as the bedrock for your progress. Clear, well-defined, and mission-aligned goals provide you with the right direction and keep your entire campaign in the lane of success.

If you never paid attention to effective goal setting for your chiropractic Google ad campaign, it’s time to push that reset button and start off fresh.

Significance of Setting Goals for Your Chiropractic Google Ad Campaign

Setting goals for your chiropractic Google ad campaign is of paramount importance. Establishing effective goals weighs the performance of your marketing efforts and how it contributes to growing your practice. 

To explain this in the easiest way, I’d say that a goal is a completed activity that we in our digital world refer to as conversion. When you set effective goals, you define steps that your patients need to take and get in a position to measure how your practice is making progress.

Significance of Setting Goals for Your Chiropractic Google Ad Campaign

Valuable Tips to Set Effective Goals

If you are all set and ready to start your chiropractic Google ad campaign, here are some practical tips to set your goals.

Consider Context While Setting Goals

At Think Bullish, we have devised a fail-proof flexible system to work on strategies to grow the practice of medical professionals like you. This approach urges us to adopt a holistic approach in everything we do. 

This stands true for setting effective goals for your chiropractic Google ad campaign too. When you sit down to set goals for your campaign, it is important that you consider the context. That means you should take into account the situation and triggers that are pushing you to take this action. This will keep your mission, needs and goals aligned and when everything works in the symphony, success and growth are inevitable.

Selecting The Right Goal Type

A goal for your chiropractic Google ad campaign can only be effective if it generates the response and results that you are seeking. 

This ultimately pays emphasis on selecting the right type of goals. Google ads have different types of goals, and you need to select a goal that your practice currently needs the most. To be precise, there are four types of goals, and each goal serves a specific marketing purpose.

  • Destination: This goal is ideal when you want your prospective patients to sign up for your newsletter or fill up a form.
  • Duration: This goal is perfect when you want your patients to spend a specific time on your website. This is a good goal for promoting landing pages of any special offers and discounts.
  • Pages/Screens per session: This goal measures the number of pages or screens that the users have viewed.
  • Event: This goal is appropriate when you want your patients to watch a video that you recorded to explain your services. This encourages actions such as video plays, ad clicks,  and social recommendations.

Before you sit down to define your goal, you must understand each goal type’s purpose and select the one that does the job for you. This is the most vital part that makes your goals effective and result-driven.

Setting goals for your chiropractic Google ad campaign may seem to be a simpler task, but some intricacies regard this activity as the key step that can make or break your entire campaign. 

If you are looking for a partner who works in close collaboration with you and helps you set effective goals, at Think Bullish, we work through incredibly impressive strategies and methods to set effective goals. As we apply these time-tested and result-driven strategies to set goals for your chiropractic Google ads, it shifts the outcomes positively for you.

Bring our team into the loop of your chiropractic marketing efforts by setting up a discovery call here.

Chiropractic marketing and advertising

Define Your Goal By Assigning A Monetary Value To It

I always say that you cannot change what you cannot measure, and to weigh the strength of your chiropractic Google ad campaign goals, there’s no better way than evaluate them through a monetary lens. 

This makes assigning a value to your goal important. To do that, you must assign a monetary value to your goals. Associating a monetary value to your goals handovers you a legit way to compare conversions and track any improvements or changes. 

Analytics also uses this monetary value associated with a goal to calculate other aspects like ROAS.

So maybe, you are very clear that you want to get more lead forms through your chiropractic Google ad campaign or want to get more appointments, but you can bring a whole new depth and definition to this goal by attaching a value to it. 

This practice allows you to track the impact on ROI. Even if the value is $1, the ability to witness the outcome and value generated from a goal adds more value to your campaigns.

Organizing Your Goal Sets

From my practice and experience working with different chiropractors, I can tell you that creating many goals for your chiropractic Google ad campaign is great. The thing with creating multiple goals is that it can get difficult to execute. That is why I keep all the goals organized and managed.

There would be goals for your chiropractic Google ad campaign that would be high in importance and priority, and there would also be some less important goals that may not affect your core practice. 

The best practice is to group your macro conversions in one goal set and your micro conversions into another goal set. This will make tracking easier. Plus, using Google Analytics would also be convenient.

Creating Funnels Along With Goals

Establishing effective goals for your chiropractic Google ad campaign has numerous upsides:

  • It gives your campaign a direction
  • Makes things measurable
  • Allows performance comparison

And most importantly, it allows you to understand your patient’s journey and create a funnel. Creating funnels when you create goals is important to turn your goals into action steps. It is also important for tracking and analyzing purposes.

When you establish a goal, there can be different pathways through which the goal can be attained. You can define these pathways using a funnel. 

Having a pre-defined funnel for your goals provides insights into how many people take defined and expected paths and how many people take other routes. A goal flow report comes in handy to grasp an understanding of your patient’s movements from in and out of the path.

By creating a funnel alongside your goals, you are not only gathering data to understand your patient’s behavior accurately, but you are also providing a guideline to them to take the desired action. That is why I can say that a goal without an established funnel cannot reap impressive results.

How to set effective goals for your chiropractic Google Ad campaign (2)

Revise Your Goals for Better Clarity

If you are still in the process of defining your goals, don’t be hesitant to review and revise them. If your priorities shift or any functional or technical aspects involved in the achievement of your goal change, you can always revise your goals to bring clarity to them. 

However, when you revise or repurpose a goal, you must keep track of when you made this alteration, as revising your goals change the conversion data and may cause confusion in understanding the reports. 

Also, I consider it important to mention here that you cannot delete a goal. Google ads do not allow you to delete an already established goal, but you can always pause the recording of data. 

Similarly, you cannot alter the ID related to a goal you created or make any alteration in the goal set, but you can revise the name and type of a goal.

Label Your Goals Intuitively

It is also important to label your chiropractic Google ad goals so that you can analyze conversions and interpret reports specific to each goal. The best practice is to choose intuitive names for your goals so that you and your team easily understand the conversion reports.

Wrapping Up

Setting effective goals for your chiropractic Google ad campaign gives you control to direct your campaigns and yield desired outcomes – and authentically promote your services and attract more patients.

The process of setting effective goals is not just about defining objectives – it’s a way to keep steering your campaigns under control and take the direction you want to take.

I invite you to Think Bullish if you wish to take charge of the steering of your marketing campaigns and grow your practice. You can book a discovery call here and avail our varied specialized digital marketing services.

Zack Siegel

Zack Siegel


Zack is a conversion rate lover and PPC ad man spending most of his time optimizing.

He’s an avid bookworm, Chipotle’s most valued customer, and pursuant stand-up comedian…

We give him reality checks every day.