I have extensive experience developing effective keyword strategies for many chiropractors like you, and I’ve discovered that using long-tail keywords yields the best results. 

Your chiropractic Google ad campaign needs these long-tail keywords to produce any notable results. And you’re in for a real deal today because I’m going to cover exactly why that’s true in detail here.

Get ready to soak it all in because the information train is leaving the station.

The Phenomenon of Long-Tail Keywords

When researching long-tail keywords and reading all about them, you’ll learn that long-tail is basically a marketing concept popularized by Chris Anderson

The focal point of this concept is that huge products like blockbusters and bestsellers usually account for a major volume of the sales or profit, and smaller products have small sale or profit volume, but when you sum up all these small products, they outperform bestselling products. Blockbusters and bestsellers make the body of the product demand curve, and smaller products lie on the long tail.

The same concept is applicable to your keywords strategy for your chiropractic Google ad campaign. People search a small number of keywords often, and there are many keywords that are searched only a little. 

On a search demand curve, small keywords that are searched frequently make up the body, whereas the long tail comprises low-volume keywords that are searched less. When you combine all the searches in the long tail, it weighs more than the body.

To put it in the simplest way possible, long-tail keywords are less popular but more targeted search phrases that your prospective patients may use to search for your practice.

Chiropractic marketing and advertising

Why Long-Tail Keywords Are Important For Your Chiropractic Google Ad Campaign?

Now that you have an idea about long-tail keywords, the next thing you should know is: what is it about these keywords that make them significant for your chiropractic Google ad campaign?


If we talk from the technical point of view, long-tail keywords become essential for your chiropractic Google ad campaign because of their relevance. 

Let’s say your landing page for your chiropractor office in Florida ranks up high for the keyword “chiropractor for athletes.” In theory,  you will get a lot of traffic, but how much of this traffic will actually convert? 

There will be some people looking for chiropractors outside of Florida, and some may be looking for other specialized chiropractors. But, if your page ranks up high for the long-tail keywords “chiropractors for elite athletes in Florida,” you’ll have slightly less traffic, but these visitors will be highly qualified leads.

Low Competition

One major factor that brings all the traction to long-tail keywords is low competition. Most chiropractors focus too much on search rankings rather than conversions or lead generation. 

This is why they use broad and generic terms, handing over an edge to long-tail keywords. You really don’t have to put in a lot of effort to rank well for your long-tail keywords. Some on-page SEO and link building paves the way to bring your landing page right in front of your ideal patients. 

So, when you bid on long-tail keywords in your chiropractic Google ad campaign, the cost-effectiveness you witness is super impressive, which is what my next point of discussion is.

Long-Tail Keywords For Your Chiropractic Google Ad Campaign

Low Cost

Long-tail keywords give you valuable results for your chiropractic Google ad campaign. When you bid on long-tail keywords, you incur low CPC owing to less competition.

When you target long-tail and specific keywords in your chiropractic Google ad campaigns, you, in turn, get higher ad rankings on relevant searches without having to pay for every click.

To track the cost-effectiveness of long-tail keywords, it’s imperative for you to keep track of your spending and return. Create separate campaigns for long-tail keywords and add or remove them as required.

If you already begin to think that long-tail keywords can give you the best results for your chiropractic Google ad, but you don’t have time or resources to learn the tactics of using these keywords, you can try out the services of my agency. Schedule a discovery call here to learn more.

Optimization Across Varied Search Types

Here’s a quick reality check for you: Gone are the days when people used to open the Google search bar and Type their search intent. Now with interventions like Siri, Alexa, and voice search options, people are increasingly opting for voice searches.

So what happens when people opt for voice search is they don’t say the broad keywords but ask questions like:

  • Who is the best chiropractor near me?
  • Who is the best chiropractor for neck adjustment nearby?

These questions involve long-tail keywords, and when you use these keywords in your chiropractic Google ad campaign, you optimize for voice search functionality too.

Fast & Quick Results

One of the greatest advantages that you can reap from using long-tail keywords is that it shows you quick results. In contrast to broad keywords that usually take a couple of years and a whole lot of content to rank up, long-tail keywords bring targeted and highly qualified leads to you and turn your chiropractic Google ad campaign into a success.

Shockwave therapy lead follow up guide for your practice

How to Find Long-Tail Keywords 

We’ve now covered a number of reasons that make long-tail keywords important for your chiropractic Google ad campaign. The next thing you should know is how to find these long-tail keywords.

Luckily, this task is not that difficult. In fact, there are tools and resources that can help you find the best long-tail keywords for you. Finding relevant and highly targeted long-tail keywords is all about understanding the natural language of your patients.

The best way to pick up cues about more valuable and effective long-tail keywords is to engage with your existing clients and ask them questions. Asking the following questions would give you clear direction about the natural language keywords:

  • What were you thinking while searching for chiropractic services?
  • What factors made you choose my office?
  • Why did you choose to get your treatment done by me?
  • Is there something new you learned during or after the treatment that you wish you had known before?

Record answers to these questions and look for commonalities, and it will dive you into an ocean of keywords to create content that will get indexed by the search engines.

If you are currently running your chiropractic Google ad campaign, your own account can serve as a great source to identify suitable long-tail keywords. You can refer to the Search Term Report to know the exact terms patients have used to search for your chiropractic office.

In addition to this, you can also use Google’s auto-fill feature to get a handful of long-tail keywords. Or use tools that are specifically designed to determine long-tail keywords, such as KeywordTool.io.

Aligning Your Keyword Strategy with Your Overall Content Marketing

A long-tail keyword strategy works best when it is combined with your overall content marketing plan. Don’t limit using long-tail keywords for your chiropractic Google ad campaigns only, but also use them for your blog posts, website content, social media communication, white papers, and every type of content. 

Ideally, there should be a page for each long-tail keyword, but that’s not always possible. So, the best bet is to optimize it in different types of content. That is why I suggest incorporating long-tail keywords in blog posts, captions, newsletters, and other types of content you produce.

Wrapping Up

I’ve discussed in detail long-tail keywords and how you can make the most of them for your chiropractic Google ad. Remember that using long-tail keywords is not overly complicated, even for beginners. All you need is a bit of practice, and you’ll soon start witnessing the results.

Of course, if you’re too occupied in your practice and don’t have time to go through the trials and errors, you can avail the services of my agency. 

Schedule a discovery call here, and my team will guide you through all the incredible things we can do for you.

Zack Siegel

Zack Siegel


Zack is a conversion rate lover and PPC ad man spending most of his time optimizing.

He’s an avid bookworm, Chipotle’s most valued customer, and pursuant stand-up comedian…

We give him reality checks every day.