It is expected that by 2026, the neuropathy market will reach $7.12 billion. With this continuous market expansion, we can anticipate more practitioners adding neuropathy treatment to their existing practice. 

But, having an additional service doesn’t always guarantee your practice will thrive unless your marketing game is strong and sustainable!

If you are still waiting for the right time to start neuropathy marketing, let me tell you that it’s “Now”

I have put together this guide to walk you through all the necessary strategies required to position your practice as one of the most sought-after local neuropathy experts.

Let’s get started!

Why is a comprehensive Neuropathy marketing plan important for you?

According to a Cleveland Clinic report, about 25% to 30% of the people in the USA are affected by illness related to neuropathy on an average. This condition affects all ages, but older ones are at a greater risk. 

Also, an average of 30 million people in the USA experience some type of peripheral neuropathy, which is a figure substantial enough to plan and execute a comprehensive marketing plan. 

With so many people already in need of managing their illness, it makes sense why you should invest in neuropathy marketing, reach out to more people, and eventually grow your practice.

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First things first– Create an audience!

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Before you get on to neuropathy marketing, you should know who your prospective patient is.

Think who is most likely to have neuropathy, for instance look for communities where people are experiencing certain diseases like arthritis, lupus, diabetes, and Lyme disease– just to name a few here. Make a list and look further into the demographic that tends to be affected by these issues. What is the average age range of this population for each illness? Is there anything else common among them?

Considering these questions will give you a great head start in creating an audience set of your prospective patients so that you can target your advertising efforts in the right direction.

Not sure how to get started with your neuropathy marketing? Schedule a free consultation with our expert team here.

Having a digital presence makes all the difference


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Before your prospective patients begin seeking you out, you are supposed to have a digital presence in the form of either a website or a social media handle. If you do not have a professional site, your service is already failing as compared to other practitioners because you are not likely to be found in the Google search results at the time when you should be!

And even if you have a website, it’s not always an assurance of leads and patients unless you follow certain steps in optimizing your website.

Your website needs to be well developed and optimized for conversion, speed, smartphone and desktop devices. You need to also ensure that the website looks professional since this is one of the main things consumers today place a greater focus on, especially when it comes to opting for healthcare management services. 

Your website aesthetic and branding should resonate with your overall practice goal. Keep the website user-friendly and easier to navigate so that your bounce rate keeps to the minimum. It’s always best to choose a minimalistic and sleek design with limited categories on the navigation bar. Following are some of the main pages your website should have:

  • Home
  • Services
  • About
  • Blog
  • Contact

By sticking with a handful of pages, you will declutter the site and make the navigation easier for prospective patients. 

Your neighborhood is the right prospect to begin Neuropathy marketing

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The location feature is used by search engines to show the best results to users for whatever they are searching for. When you are in the process of optimizing your website, it’s a good strategy to add phrases like “near me”, and “close to me” to help patients navigate to the local practice listing — i.e. likely your services!

The great news is that neuropathy advertising enables a better customizable option for your prospective patients than a radio or newspaper spot would. With a comprehensive digital marketing plan, you can run campaigns for different demographics and target audiences in specific locations. There is no assurance that your targeted audience will come across your ads via any other medium but with digital marketing channels, you can ensure that your audience finds exactly what they are looking for.

Reach out to more patients at a minimum acquisition cost

According to Google economic impact report, for every $1 spent on Google ads, the business has a chance of making $8 as a profit. Not only this, but the digital marketing conversion rate is also better than traditional advertising channels. On average, Facebook boasts an 11% conversion rate for healthcare-focused ads.

In short, through a digital neuropathy marketing plan, you will generate more leads at a minimum acquisition cost that will gradually result in increased revenue and service growth.

Enable your patients to find you!

Now that you have a digital presence, you are most likely to be found by your patients. But remember, it doesn’t only stop at having a website.

Now it’s time to put the SEO in place to enable neuropathy patients to find your service. Pew Research found that 60% of people in the USA seek information online related to healthcare. Of those, 77% begin their research online on Google, Yahoo and Bing. It shows that you should be carrying out your neuropathy advertising via search engines.

Befriend social media

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Never underestimate the power of social media, particularly, Facebook. Having your Facebook page would be the best thing you can do for your neuropathy practice. For instance, it enables you to engage with your prospective and current patients through updates, announcement,s and service calls to action. 

It allows the users to know about your clinic hours, any special offers, or the impact you are creating through your practice. That way they are in a better position to decide whether to choose your service. 

Another good reason is that Facebook ads offer some of the most versatile options to reach out to your potential clients. Unlike search engines, Facebook users submit their information when they register to the platform. Most of this information is centered on their gender, location, and age. 

However, as they start using Facebook, the platform also keeps on collecting their psychographic data like their interest, behaviors, the pages they visit, and the content they share. Facebook enables the business pages to make the most of this information in customizing their ad campaigns which in turn help you target a specific audience.

Not only this, but the availability of several ad formats, sizes, and placement makes it easy to run a campaign that fits your neuropathy marketing budget.

Have you been ignoring paid ads? Rethink!

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One reason why I always encourage practitioners to run paid ads is that they allow high targeting on search engines tied to specific keywords. 

You incur the cost when someone clicks on the ad often referred to as pay-per-click advertising. When a user looks for any keyword, the ads show up on the search page. PPC ads are absolutely effective in reaching prospective patients who are already in search of neuropathy solutions. It means that they are more likely to convert. Paid ads are also easy to narrow down to your audience using demographics and location features.

Social media is the most powerful influence on everyone who uses it, so why not make the most of it through targeted advertisements? With the availability of some of the most robust targeting tools, you can target your audience look-alike by gender, interest, and age. 

If you find starting off with paid ads on social media overwhelming, connect with our team of expert analysts to help you make sense of your neuropathy marketing objectives. 

High-quality content = More Neuropathy Leads 

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To have your neuropathy marketing campaign succeed in the long run, it’s smart to create website and landing pages as a part of your optimization strategy. But the focus should always be on creating content that adds value to users’ experience. Make sure your content covers the patient’s pain points and your campaigns act as a guiding light for the prospective clients to help you position as an expert. For all this to happen, you need to keep on monitoring your campaigns for the best keywords. A robust content doesn’t only draws prospects to your website, but also improves your SERP’s ranking.

To Sum Up!

As more prospects from the above strategies turn into your neuropathy patients, you will gradually find your practice generating revenue. Many of our clients have used this revenue to add to their existing services or open new clinics. Whichever option you choose, make sure your neuropathy marketing goals and execution are sustainable and robust. 

We offer highly personalized assistance in helping you launch your marketing campaigns. We have worked with hundreds of practitioners and clinics to assist them in building their marketing strategies, and online presence so that they can focus more on the value addition aspect of their practice than advertising. 

To know more about what we can do to help grow your neuropathy practice, book a call with us today.

Neuropathy marketing
Zack Siegel

Zack Siegel


Zack is a conversion rate lover and PPC ad man spending most of his time optimizing.

He’s an avid bookworm, Chipotle’s most valued customer, and pursuant stand-up comedian…

We give him reality checks every day.