Running social media ads has been on your mind lately. Like the rest of the world, you too want to make the most of this digital revolution and make your chiropractic practice grow using digital marketing ads.

So, what’s stopping you?

Probably, the fear of not knowing technical details and apprehension of not being able to meet the conversion goals. Well, that’s true that running social media ads is not a mean feat. Many strategic details can leave the marketers scratching their heads.

It seems natural for a newbie to feel overwhelmed by social media ads. This blog post can be your guide. Enriched with years of experience running successful digital ad campaigns for healthcare practitioners across the state, we have successfully executed the digital ad campaigns that brought new leads to our clients. Let’s discuss some of the key strategies that can help you in running effective and result-producing digital ad campaigns.

Want to get started with a groundbreaking Social Media ad campaign for your chiropractic clinic? Schedule a call with my expert team here.

Chiropractic marketing and advertising

Defining Your Campaign’s Objective

When you start your social media ad campaign, first of all, you need to clearly define the objectives for your chiropractic marketing. Simply put, you have to communicate to the platform where you are running the ad what you want to achieve with this ad campaign. Defining and setting clear goals can be quite challenging for beginners.

My advice? Stick to two key objectives: conversions or lead generation. If you’ve got a solid funnel or a well-designed website, go for conversions. Otherwise, keep it straightforward with lead generation as your main focus.

Setting the Campaign Budget

Once the objective of your campaign is set, the next important step involves setting a budget that helps you chase your goal effectively and efficiently. The meta platforms allow you to choose between a daily budget or a lifetime budget.

For instance, you might set a daily budget of $20, running over 30 days, or you can start smaller with just $5 per day to test the waters. Starting small and gradually scaling up is a wise approach, especially when exploring what works best for your practice.

Opting for a lifetime budget can offer better control over your spending, ensuring your ads are distributed evenly across the campaign duration. Setting a lifetime budget optimizes ad delivery during the hours your audience is most active as well as prevents unnecessary spending of your money during underperforming times.

Understanding Campaigns, Ad Sets, and Ads

Your campaign is the bedrock of your chiropractic marketing that supports your ad sets, and each ad set can have multiple ads. This structure is key for testing and experimenting with different ad variations. For example, you can have multiple lead generation ads with different colors, copy, and graphics to see which ones perform best.

Deciding Placement for Your Ad

The next step involves deciding the placement for your ads i.e., where you want your ads to appear. For instance, on Facebook, you can choose between automatic placement or manual selection. Both have their perks. With automatic placement, Facebook’s algorithm takes the reins, finding the best spots to generate leads and responses. The more freedom you give it, the better it can optimize. Or, you can also manually select the placement of your ads. The best option is to choose to have your ads appear on the feed since the feed tends to get more traction and engagement than other placement options.

Create Lead Generation Form

If your goal is lead generation, crafting an effective lead generation form is crucial. Let’s break down the key components to make sure your form drives results.

Start by selecting the right image. Ideally, you should select the same image that you used in your ad so that your audience can easily connect the dots and be familiar with your practice.

After the image, the next important thing that your audience will see is the copy of your ad. Therefore, it is imperative to use clear, compelling, and crisp copy. While writing the copy, avoid making wild guesses about what would resonate the most with your target audience; rather, opt for a systematic approach that would always guide you to write the best copy. A simple yet effective guide for writing your copy is the AIDA formula. This formula urges you to start your copy with something that captures the attention of your audience, sparks their interest, creates desire, and ultimately makes them take the desired action. By using this formula, you guide your audience through each stage, ultimately winning their confidence and prompting them to take your desired action. 

Then comes your offer, which is the hook that draws people in. Make it something irresistible—a free consultation, an eBook, a discounted checkup, or an appealing package. Analyze previous offers that derived results, or create something new and fresh that may be appealing and valuable for your target audience. Nevertheless, your offer should be enticing enough to make your leads see value in it and sign up.

Lastly, you have to create a compelling call to action (CTA). This is your final attempt to motivate your leads to take action. I suggest refraining from using generic CTAs; rather opt for something well-defined and specific. For instance, instead of using “visit our website,” use an action-oriented CTA like “call our office to claim your discount voucher” or “sign up today to secure your discount.” This sort of CTA creates urgency as well as provides your leads with a specific direction as to what to do next.

Let’s Get Started with Your Own Campaign

With these tips and strategies, you are in a good position to launch your chiropractic marketing campaign on your own and start generating new leads. I understand that you may feel nervous at the start. But with practice and this guide at your disposal, you can gradually master the art and science of running digital ad campaigns. 

Need further assistance? Schedule a discovery call with me or my team here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best social media platform for chiropractors?

Facebook is a recommended social media platform that offers powerful engagement tools and local targeting for Chiropractors. However, Instaram is also grat for building patient trust.

Should chiropractors use paid ads on social media?e Goes Here

Yes, paid ads on platforms like Facebook and Instagram can help chiropractors reach a targeted audience, driving more traffic to their clinic and increasing appointment bookings.

Zack Siegel

Zack Siegel


Zack is a conversion rate lover and PPC ad man spending most of his time optimizing.

He’s an avid bookworm, Chipotle’s most valued customer, and pursuant stand-up comedian…

We give him reality checks every day.