In order to attract new patients to your office, you must consider running a well-thought-out chiropractic pay-per-click ad campaign.

Research conducted in 2019 shows that there were 23.7 chiropractors per 100,000 people in the U.S. Isn’t this stat quite startling? It shows that there are more people interested in availing of chiropractic services than there are chiropractors. All you need to do is catch the attention of these interested prospects and turn them into patients. There is no better way than running a chiropractic pay-per-click ad campaign.

Like any investment, you need to be cautious and embrace a stance that maximizes ROI. You need to adopt strategies the make the most of your chiropractic pay-per-click ads. 

Here, I am sharing some of the tips that can help you utilize your PPC campaign to its fullest.

Wrap Your PPC Campaign Around Your Audience’s Intentions

Let me start from the basics. This is the very first thing you must do to make the most of your chiropractic pay-per-click ads. The foundation of every task lies in its intention. So, when you run your chiropractic pay-per-click ads, you need to make them relevant enough to match your prospective patients’ queries. Failing to do so can give the proxy to get the click of prospects to a competitor that uses intent marketing much more effectively than you.

Therefore, it is indispensable for you to wrap your entire PPC campaign around your patients’ intentions and make it highly relevant. You need to follow this pursuit in each and every step of the campaign. From creating creatives to defining your audience to selecting keywords, keep your patients and their needs in mind.

Chiropractic Pay-Per-Click Ads

Plan the High Intent Keywords 

The focal purpose of running PPC campaigns is to show your clinic’s name in the search result, whenever prospects type in their queries. That is why your chiropractic pay-per-click ads and keyword planning are strongly bonded. In fact, it won’t be wrong to state that your keyword planning, research, and selection provide a bedrock to your PPC campaign. 

If you want to attract patients who are actively looking for a chiropractor, then you need to focus on high-intent keywords. These are the keywords that people use when they’re close to making a purchase or scheduling an appointment.

Some examples of high intent keywords might include: “chiropractic near me,” “chiropractor for back pain,” and “spinal adjustment.”

To find out what keywords people are using to find chiropractors in your area, you can use a tool like Google AdWords Keyword Planner or SEMrush. Once you have a list of potential keywords, you can start incorporating them into your website content, blog posts, and even social media posts.

In addition to using high intent keywords, you can also attract more patients by offering free consultations or discounts on first-time visits. And don’t forget to include your contact information on every page of your website!

Remember that if you want to make the most of your chiropractic pay-per-click ads, you must be meticulous about keyword planning. The wisest way is to continuously redefine and refine your keyword list.

Here’s how you can make your keyword planning and strategies work in favor of your office:

  • Pick up keywords that are closely and specify the chiropractic service that you offer
  • Search for targeted keywords that yield a high click-through-rate and low cost-per-click
  • In addition to common and frequently searched terms, your keywords should also include long-tailed keywords
  • Your keywords list should also include negative keyword discovery
  • Opt for Dynamic keywords Insertion (DKI). Available on Google and Bing, DKI automatically places keywords in your ads that your patients are searching, making your chiropractic pay-per-click ads highly relevant.

If this information looks a bit too overwhelming for you, don’t worry, there are tools and resources to help you with your keyword planning. Google’s own keyword planner can take this exercise to next level as it even tells you about keywords used by competitors, a rough estimate of cost-per-click, and other important information that can help you build your keyword list.

Armed with these keywords, you can successfully run your paid ad campaigns in a way that perfectly addresses the intent of the queries of your prospect patients and come right in front of them.

If you have shouldered yourself the responsibility to market and promote your chiropractic practice and feel overwhelmed, check out my guide in which I am talking about marketing for Chiropractic. I have discussed the number one strategy that can be your best bet to attain growth and success this year.

Complement Your Chiropractic Pay-Per-Click Ads With Your SEO Strategies

You can reap the best results from your PPC campaigns when you use SEO and PPC together. You increase the chances of bringing more traffic to your office’s website by complementing your PPC with your SEO strategies.

This way, when a potential patient searches for chiropractic services that you provide, you stand a better chance to show up in the search results. When your SEO strategy involves website copy, blog posts, and other material enriched with relevant keywords, then the search engine regards your ad as highly relevant and shows it in the results. The higher the relevancy, the higher your chance to appear in the search results.

If you are looking for a specialized agency that can look after digital marketing for your practice and grow it multifold, schedule a discovery call with my team here and they will guide you about all the services we render and help many chiropractors like you.

Chiropractic marketing

Pair Up Your Landing Pages With Your PPC

You know, there are some things with little to no room for mistakes. Connecting your chiropractic pay-per-click ads to your landing pages is one of those things. It’s one area where you cannot afford to go wrong.

When your prospects don’t know where to reach out to you via your PPC campaign, it not only affects the sales process but also earns you lower ad quality scores. Eventually, you’d end up paying more for each click. Plus, you get less exposure as compared to the advertisers with the highest quality scores.

Also, read: Top 10 Actionable Personal Injury Marketing Ideas For Chiropractors

I also did a guide on personal injury marketing for chiropractors. Check it out here.

The Crucial Role Of Constant Evaluation

Do you know what’s the best thing about PPC? It’s that you can measure every click! 

To make the most of your chiropractic pay-per-click ads, you must understand that you need to constantly evaluate and measure every interaction. This data fills you in with important information regarding what’s working for you and what’s not. Guided by this information, you can pick up the path that goes in your favor.

Now you must be wondering how to do that?

Well, there are several measurement tools that you can use to perform the task. The likes of Facebook, Bing ads, and AdWords offer their own measuring tools. My advice would be to use the free version of Google Analytics because it is the best-in-class. The major advantage that you get from Google Analytics is that it can do the job for all your advertising platforms. So, it clearly acts as the central source for you to compare the performance.

Complement Your Chiropractic Pay Per Click Ads With Your SEO Strategies

Don’t Just Keep Up, Anticipate What’s Next

We all know that the digital world is ever-evolving. Changes take place in this field at the speed of light. This is also true for paid ad campaigns. Algorithm updates, new versions, mergers, acquisitions, and the launch of new resources and tools; all of that make it too hard to even keep up.

If you really want to make the most of your chiropractic pay-per-click ad campaigns, you do not only have to keep up but also foresee what changes and updates are to come and then brace yourself to adapt. This way, you will not let any algorithm updates dodge you to lose your money as well as you’ll be able to get an edge over your competitors.

By following all the above strategies, you can surely make the most of your chiropractic pay-per-click ads. It can be a little tricky at the start, but with practice, you can get a hang of it and be able to gain new patients.

But, if you still feel unsure about it, get in touch with us. We have helped many chiropractors like you attain their growth goals. From managing pay-per-click ads to designing landing pages and creating CRM build-out, we provide a roster of services that can take your practice to new heights. 

Schedule a discovery call here with my team to get more information about how we can help you grow.

Zack Siegel

Zack Siegel


Zack is a conversion rate lover and PPC ad man spending most of his time optimizing.

He’s an avid bookworm, Chipotle’s most valued customer, and pursuant stand-up comedian…

We give him reality checks every day.