A significant challenge faced by functional medicine is the lack of awareness among individuals about the exceptional advantages of the treatment. With the right functional medicine marketing strategies in place, you can promote your office as a genuine alternative to traditional medicine rather than being a last resort.

In today’s post, I am discussing 5 strategies that we at Think Bullish implement. Using these same strategies, we have helped many practitioners to grow their practice.

5 Time-Tested Functional Medicine Marketing Strategies

We all know that digital advertising is inevitable to accelerate business growth regardless of the scale and industry. When we talk about functional medicine marketing, digital advertising is an important component because people are searching online more than ever. 

That is why you must have time-tested and integrated strategies to boost your practice online. To help you with the task, I am discussing a few stances that you can adopt, and I bet you’ll witness remarkable results.

Also, read The ONE Secret Ingredient to Attracting New Patients ❤️

1. Unleash The Power Of SEO

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is of paramount importance for your functional medicine marketing. It’s just like when you are in a paddle boat; the only way to move forward is to paddle. The same goes for SEO for your functional medicine online marketing. It is even more important for functional medicine because the field is still relatively new for patients, and whenever they search for it, your office’s name must appear in the search results.

Now, the big question is, what strategies can you adopt to boost your practice through SEO?

Here’s the thing: when we talk about optimizing our content for search engines to pull your practice’s name and put it in front of the prospects, the only strategy we can rely on is consistency. No matter what you are doing for SEO, you need to be consistent.

Different marketing professionals and agencies work on different SEO strategies, but here I’m sharing something foolproof. Try taking these result-driven steps for your functional medicine marketing:

  • Opt for on-page SEO
  • Incorporate backlinks and citations
  • Google My Business optimization is a must

These three are the bedrock of your SEO game, and each would contribute equally to bringing you on top of the search result. With on-page SEO, you update your website, blog, or landing pages with keywords that prospective patients use to search for your practice. Backlinks and citations help establish your credibility, which is even more important when a website is fresh and new. And finally, utilizing Google My Business optimization attracts patients searching for your treatments in your area.

Want to improve your functional medicine practice by implementing these strategies but don’t know where to start?

Let my awesome team at Think Bullish assist you. We have helped many healthcare professionals to boost their practice. To learn details about our services, schedule a discovery call with my team here.

Functional medicine marketing

2. Take Your Content Marketing To Next Level With Landing Pages & Great Content

I firmly believe that every functional medicine practitioner has his own story to tell. And, your passion for serving people and utmost dedication towards evidence-based and holistic treatment can be a core part of your functional medicine marketing. All you have to do is curate the right content following this theme and share it with the right people to grow your practice. In fact, research shows that content marketing costs less than 62% of traditional marketing.

A well-devised content marketing strategy encompasses SEO-rich web copy, informative blogs, engaging video content, educating newsletters, and actionable landing pages. By making content an integral part of your functional medicine marketing, you can raise awareness, educate prospects, and ultimately convert them into patients.

Also, I urge you to go through the heading of this strategy again. In addition to content, it also mentions landing pages. The reason why I added this element in the heading is that I wanted you to give it some attention. A landing page, especially a campaign-specific landing page, is a supreme form of content marketing. Landing pages feature minimal yet to-the-point content and make the prospect take action. You can truly change the face of your functional medicine marketing by utilizing campaign-specific landing pages.

3. Win Digital Marketing War Through the Powerful Weapon Of Online Ads

Let’s consider this raving fact that research reveals: 

90% of physicians use some form of social media on a personal level; whereas 65% lean on social media for professional reasons.

This stat only emphasizes that almost every healthcare professional is online and creating content to talk about their services and how they can benefit people. In this scenario, the strategy that can give you an edge is to run digital ads. 

Digital ads make sure that you appear right in front of your target market and an already motivated audience. To add digital ads to your functional medicine marketing plan, you can consider the following options:

  • Google PPC campaigns
  • Facebook/Instagram advertising
  • TikTok advertising

These mediums of digital advertisement are great and powerful tools for new patient acquisition as well as for retaining the ones you already have. Increased and specific targeting options on Facebook/Instagram allow you to gain new leads, whereas a higher engagement rate on these platforms allows you to retain your current clientele. 

Plus, you can also run ads to raise awareness about your practice and generate highly qualified leads. Digital ads are quite pocket-friendly. You can incorporate ads in your functional medicine marketing plan by dedicating a small budget, and as you master the task, you can increase your spending. 

5 Time-Tested Functional Medicine Marketing Strategies

4. Make An Impression With Strong Social Media Presence

Your functional medicine marketing is only complete with social media presence. Social media platforms are great for establishing connections with your patients. It is more valuable for the functional medicine field as it helps in floating new ideas, educating prospects, and collecting feedback – all things that this field needs since it is in its nascent stage.

For your functional medicine marketing, you have various social media platforms with their unique features, benefits, and key audiences. You can choose to be on all platforms or on a few depending on the availability of time and resources. 

However, no matter what medium you choose to be on, you need to adopt a comprehensive strategy. The best bet is to define your objective for each campaign, then create posts related to that goal and track the results. For instance, if you set the goal to educate your target audience about the functional medicine field, you’d create content around that topic and then you can measure how your audience interacted with you.

Don’t post on your social media just for the sake of posting, adopt a result-driven approach, and you’ll be on the right path. When you become strategic with your functional medicine marketing, you can create more personalized experiences for your audience, which means more qualified leads for your office. 

5. Nurture Your Leads

This strategy is a no-brainer, but still, you won’t find it anywhere. Check out as many pages as you want on Google about effective strategies to grow any business, let alone functional medicine, and I bet you won’t find anybody discussing this. 

Only experienced professionals who adopt a holistic approach will suggest you invest in nurturing your leads.

All the engagement that you get on your social media posts, all the inquiries that you get over your direct messages, and all the contact details you get from your lead generation forms will go to waste if you don’t have a strategy in place to nurture your leads.

Let me drop a nerdy fact here: The effort, time, and resources you spend in your functional medicine marketing to generate leads usually only convert after the first attempt. If you don’t nurture your leads, it will all seem like a personal vendetta against you.

Effectively nurturing leads to reap incredible results for your functional medicine marketing. Implementing best practices for lead follow-up ensures that your leads funnel bring more patients to your clinic.

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Wrapping Up

You can witness incredible results for your functional medicine marketing by implementing the above strategies. The great thing about these strategies is they are integrated. Successful implementation of one step will lead to another and help your office climb the ladder of success – big time.

If you are frustrated and confused with this plethora of information but really want to grow your practice, don’t fret anymore.

At my agency, Think Bullish, we devise specific and unique digital marketing strategies that guarantee results. To know more about our services, schedule a discovery call here.

Zack Siegel

Zack Siegel


Zack is a conversion rate lover and PPC ad man spending most of his time optimizing.

He’s an avid bookworm, Chipotle’s most valued customer, and pursuant stand-up comedian…

We give him reality checks every day.