Ya know that feeling when you’re high on life? 👇

How about to the pleasant 😁 ding of dozens of lead notifications from your ads?

Ever experience the next day when you don’t even hear the chirp of crickets?

It’s kind of like being laid out in the sand with a knife through your chest… ☠️

Unfortunately, it’s bound to happen at some point or another.

So what ya must know is how to minimize it so you can keep on keeping on without too much delay (and hopefully avoid it altogether).

Here are the three things you must know to keep those bad boys from going stale. 🙌

1. Don’t Fry Ya Audience

One can take only so much ground and pound. Ya know what I mean?

If you keep showing an audience of people similar messages after a while it just gets annoying.

The best way to identify this is to look at your frequency. If you see a high frequency on your ads when they’re not performing, it’s likely that they are fatiguing.

After awhile Facebook/Instagram will stop showing these people your ads as much and your audience will get so sick of them that they will just stop interacting with them.

We call this the “Mindless Scroll…” because whenever your names pops up so will their thumb – mindlessly scrolling up…

Keeping things exciting, fresh, and VALUABLE is the best way to avoid frying the h$%@ out of them.

2. Ya Darn Ad Is a Skeleton

Come on. When’s the last time you changed that thing?

If you’re running the same darn ad to the same darn people ya ad is going to dry up like a darn raisin.

Pump out unique and fresh ads to your audience to keep them excited about what you have to offer.

When your ads start to decline in performance turn them off and try out some new variations. Or target a different audience with them… or just save them for a later date altogether.

Also, pro tip: you can keep your creatives aligned with hot events and holidays to always add some life back to your campaigns.

3. Ya Market Is Smarter Than You Think

Sometimes they’re just getting sophisticated.

That means back in the day when you were the only business in your area, your message didn’t matter much.

Your audience would jump at whatever bone you threw their way.

As time goes on, the competition becomes more fierce, and your audience becomes more educated about what you do.

That means it’s time to kick that dinosaur messaging to bed.

At the end of the day, the best way to guarantee your advertising flourishes long-term is to keep giving it attention, just like anything else.

Hope this helps 🏆

If you have any questions or would like to talk about how you can get daily assistance to make sure your campaigns are generating consistent leads, appointments, and patients click here to book a free strategy call with us.


Zack Siegel

Zack Siegel


Zack is a conversion rate lover and PPC ad man spending most of his time optimizing. He’s an avid bookworm, Chipotle’s most valued customer, and pursuant stand-up comedian (so he says)… We give him reality checks every day.