Online ratings, reviews, and testimonials have been around for quite a while, but why have they suddenly become more important than ever?

The simplest and shortest answer is COVID-19.

When the pandemic happened and forced us to shut our entire life down, consumers, including your patients, had no choice but to opt for online transactions and try out new e-comm channels. 

And surprisingly—or not—they liked it.

When people have essentially transparent information about a product or service they want to avail of, they opt for it with more confidence and trust. Due to COVID-19, people have finally realized that considering reviews before making the final decision is a more convenient, easy, and transparent way to indulge in any transaction, and they are not going to return to the old pattern.

This signifies that in a world before reviews, we needed marketing to highlight the benefit of your services. Now, your clients do this job too in an unfiltered way and in real time. The pandemic has accelerated this shift in consumer behavior, and we are in a paradigm shift that makes online reviews and testimonials all that important. The only way to ace through this tectonic shift is to leverage your patients’ success stories to boost your practice.   

In this blog post, I am diving deep to give a clear idea about how and why your neuropathy marketing plan must prioritize patient testimonials—or risk falling behind agile competitors.

Whether you want to create a customized landing page to leverage online reviews to boost your practice or highlight them in paid ad campaigns, my agency, Think Bullish, has expert and specialized marketers to do the job for you. In addition, we also offer many other digital marketing services that you can avail to boost your practice. Schedule a discovery call here and learn about all the amazing things we can do for you.

Neuropathy marketing

Essential Steps to Leverage Testimonials in Neuropathy Marketing

I have highlighted the significance of reviews and testimonials in today’s digitally revolutionized era, but you must be wondering how it is related to neuropathy marketing as you render your service in a brick-and-mortar setting.

Here’s the catch. Reviews and testimonials also affect offline shopping in a traditional store or office. Although your patients come physically to your clinic, the whole patient journey starts online. Your prospective patients actively look for service providers in nearby areas who they can go to and take into consideration feedback from your existing clients before making the final decision.

You can make the most of this trend by incorporating authentic feedback and reviews into your neuropathy marketing campaigns. These testimonials render compelling social proof, which in turn establishes trust and confidence in your neuropathy treatments. When you highlight success stories of your satisfied patients who have experienced relief from neuropathy symptoms, you actually showcase their journey from despair to hope, emphasizing the effectiveness of your services. 

So, the next logical step is to figure out how to leverage these reviews and make them an integral part of your neuropathy marketing plan. There are several ways to opt for it. You can promote testimonials across your website, social media platforms, and advertising campaigns to build credibility and attract new patients. Let’s discuss how you can use testimonials to boost your practice and gain new patients.

Be Proactive to Seek Reviews and Be Responsive to Them

One of the most effective strategies you can incorporate in your neuropathy marketing to leverage testimonials to build trust among patients is to be proactive and responsive to the reviews. You need to be proactive in soliciting reviews, actively engaging with reviews by being responsive to them, and strategically promoting them. Not only that, but you also need to get in front of dissatisfied patients and course correct that.

Frankly, I call this practice online-marketplace hygienics, and I have established protocols to maintain these hygienics. These protocols are time-tested and proven to guide you throughout the process-right from seeking reviews to managing and promoting them.

Let’s tackle first things first. So, how are you going to actively seek reviews?

Obviously, you can ask them to give you feedback right after receiving the service. But transmitting their feedback into digital assets would be a hassle. The best bet for you is to prominently place review prompts and widgets on your website. You can also consider adding a call-to-action in newsletters and post-purchase emails, asking clients to share their experiences. While you actively seek reviews from your clients on your own platforms, be sure to check out other public platforms that publish reviews, like Google, Yelp, and Healthgrades. You should also regularly monitor mentions of your brand on social media platforms and respond promptly.

Once you are successful in garnering some reviews, it is important to respond to these reviews promptly. You can show your appreciation for positive testimonials submitted by satisfied clients and address negative or not-so-satisfied reviews by embracing a problem-solving approach.

When you have enough reviews in your bucket, you can think about leveraging them in your neuropathy marketing by requesting permission from satisfied customers to use their reviews as testimonials. You can incorporate these testimonials on your website, landing pages, and promotional materials. Using video testimonials or case studies to add a personal touch and build trust is also a great idea. There are endless possibilities to opt for neuropathy marketing using testimonials. 

neuropathy patient lead generation

Promote Social Proof in Your Ad Campaigns

Using your clients’ testimonials in your online ad campaigns can be the most coherent strategy in your neuropathy marketing plan. This renders solid proof and visual representation that allow your prospects to see others availing of your treatments and services. So basically, you let your satisfied patients speak volumes about the effectiveness of your treatments in relieving neuropathy symptoms and gain the attention of those actively looking for such service providers. 

I and my team at my agency, Think Bullish, practices it a lot, and we have witnessed some remarkable results by using this strategy for many practitioners. Adding testimonials to your online ads brings persuasive power to drive engagement and conversion. Of course, this is not about merely incorporating testimonials in your ads. The stance will only reap results if you are strategic about it and elevate its effectiveness through other elements. For instance, 

  • You must craft an attention-grabbing copy in the ad that carries snippets of positive testimonials, reflecting the real-life experiences of your satisfied patients.
  • While using testimonials in your neuropathy marketing assets such as PPC ads or on social platforms like Facebook, and TikTok, you must pair up this feedback with eye-catching visuals and design so that you can create and promote a more compelling visual narrative.
  • You can bring more weight to your neuropathy marketing campaigns by adding stats and figures in your ads. Make the most of customers testimonials by highlighting the number of people who have gained positive results from your neuropathy solutions.
  • Always use a clear call-to-action in testimonial-driven ads that encourage your target audience to learn more about your services or schedule a consultation session.

In addition to these, other elements also contribute directly to your ad campaigns’ success. When you infuse authentic testimonials in your online ads and take care of all these aspects, you will be able to captivate the attention of your target audience, establish trust and urge them to take the next step.

Retarget Warm Audiences

While I am talking about using testimonials in your ads, it is important to mention that these reviews can be incredibly fruitful when targeting warm audiences. We often see prospective clients visiting your neuropathy website or social profile and leaving without taking any action. This is a perfect opportunity for your office to stay on top of their minds and retarget these users with patients’ feedback, giving them the last powerful push they need to take action.

All in all, the persuasive force of testimonials can supercharge your neuropathy marketing campaigns by retargeting warm audiences. All you have to do is identify interested patients who have previously engaged with your content or shown interest in your treatments and show them testimonials from satisfied clients. By using the power of social proof and combining it with personalized messaging, you can nurture warm leads and push them down the sales funnel.

Neuropathy marketing guide

Wrap Up Great Testimonials into Other Content Form

The most incredible aspect of these testimonials is that they are public, so you can always harness their power to bolster your neuropathy marketing efforts! You can handpick some authentic and positive testimonials from your satisfied clients and seamlessly integrate them into your content to amplify your message and build trust. Consider incorporating compelling snippets into blog posts, social media updates, or email newsletters. The basic idea is to highlight your clients’ transformative experiences and improved quality of life achieved through your neuropathy solutions.

Incorporate before-and-after stories, emphasizing how your treatments have alleviated pain, restored mobility, and rekindled hope. This, in turn, captivates the attention of prospects and makes them trust you to avail of your services. This way, you are not only sorted for some part of your content calendar but also able to build a great reputation for your clinic. Win-win, I must say!

Using Reviews to Improve Your Services Is the Ultimate Flex

There is no point in opting for neuropathy marketing when you are not too sure about the level of your services because you cannot hide it. It is absolutely table stakes to have a remarkable and impressive service. It’s time to take online testimonials in your hands and work to bring improvement to your services. The good news is that technological advancements allow us to do that more scientifically. You can utilize miraculous machine learning to do the task in a sophisticated way through natural-language processing. 

What happens in this mechanism is that the system crawls websites to harvest feedback and reviews. The natural-language system takes these reviews and categorizes them into themes, which are basically your service attributes, and then it assigns a positive, neutral, or negative valence to a review.

The result of this exercise hands you an attribute taxonomy that comes right from the mouth of your patients and serves as an incredible performance metric. So, you get a highly actionable diagnosis report by using natural language processing. Use this report to bring improvement in your services, and you’ll ultimately be successful in promoting your practice. 

Wrapping Up

Now, armed with proven tactics, you possess the ability to utilize these strategies in your neuropathy marketing campaigns. By harnessing the power of testimonials and online feedback, you can optimize your practice and achieve remarkable results. Unleash the persuasive power of testimonials in your online ads to drive engagement and conversions for your neuropathy solutions. But remember, you cannot witness or maintain a positive online reputation overnight; it requires consistent effort and dedication. As mentioned above, actively seeking, managing, promoting, and responding to online reviews can help you build trust, increase credibility, and attract new customers to your neuropathy clinic.

Convinced by these strategies but don’t know where to start? Take the help of our expert and specialized digital marketers, who have helped many practitioners and produced remarkable results. Schedule a discovery call here to learn more about our services.

Zack Siegel

Zack Siegel


Zack is a conversion rate lover and PPC ad man spending most of his time optimizing.

He’s an avid bookworm, Chipotle’s most valued customer, and pursuant stand-up comedian…

We give him reality checks every day.