Shockwave therapy is a treatment that is growing in popularity for a variety of conditions. But what about advertising this treatment? 

Is TikTok the right platform for shockwave therapy advertising?

The answer may surprise you! In this blog post, I will discuss the reasons why TikTok is an excellent platform for promoting shockwave therapy.

TikTok offers healthcare professionals an exciting new avenue to connect with patients and promote their practice. Here’s why you should incorporate TikTok into your shockwave therapy marketing.

How is Tiktok changing healthcare marketing?

Did you know that healthcare systems can design content that is not only engaging and educational but also enjoyable?

What’s more, TikTok isn’t just popular among Gen Z-ers. In fact, the number of users aged 10-29 decreased by 15 percentage points from 2020 to 2021.

This means that the app is becoming increasingly popular with older demographics as well. Moreover, according to a recent study, nearly 70% of TikTok users claim they are more likely to remember a brand if it uses music they like in its posts. And 51% of adults say they would turn first to the internet—social media included—for medical information over asking their primary care doctor (31%).

TikTok has over 800 million monthly users, so your shockwave therapy ads will be seen by a wide audience. Additionally, research has shown that most people on TikTok are in the age range of 18 to 24 years old – which is a great target demographic for shockwave therapy treatment.

Shockwave therapy requires multiple treatments that are spread out over several weeks or months – making it very difficult to promote through traditional advertisement methods such as television or radio. However, these limitations don’t apply to marketing shockwave therapy on TikTok. With its short-form video platform and ability to create targeted campaigns tailored to specific audiences, shockwave therapy can easily be promoted using TikTok’s powerful tools.

Relevant: Shockwave Therapy Lead Follow-Up Guide: How To Close 5x More Patients

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Benefits of shockwave therapy advertising on TikTok

Wide Reach

The first major advantage of shockwave therapy advertising on TikTok is its reach. With over 800 million monthly active users, your shockwave therapy ads will have the potential to reach a wide audience – increasing awareness and potentially leading to more appointments for shockwave therapy treatments. 

Cost Effective

Shockwave therapy advertising on TikTok is also very cost-effective. You can easily create sponsored posts to target specific audiences, or use influencers or celebrities to promote your shockwave therapy treatments – all without breaking the bank! This makes it a great option for shockwave therapy clinics on a budget.

Ability to target specific audiences

TikTok’s powerful ad platform allows shockwave therapy providers to create targeted campaigns tailored to specific demographics. From age and gender to interests and location, you can create shockwave therapy ads that are sure to be seen by the right people. You can also use TikTok’s analytics tools to track your shockwave therapy ad performance and make any necessary adjustments for optimal results.

TikTok Is the Perfect Platform for Shockwave Therapy Advertising

Engaging content formats

Another great advantage of shockwave therapy advertising on TikTok is its creative content options. Unlike traditional advertisement methods like television or radio, in which shockwave therapy ads may not be very engaging, with TikTok you can create captivating videos that potential patients actually want to watch! This helps to create a positive experience with shockwave therapy and ensures that viewers remember the ads.

Analytics and tracking tools

Shockwave therapy clinics can also benefit from TikTok’s powerful analytics and tracking tools. With these tools, shockwave therapy providers can easily measure the performance of their shockwave therapy ads – such as reach and engagement – to help ensure they are hitting the right demographics and achieving better results.

Building relationships with users through interactions

If you post regularly, you will start to attract followers who are interested in your brand, perspective, and advice. You can build a community on TikTok that you can engage with. Remember to be genuine and honest when sharing and responding to comments and questions. This will show your audience that you value their opinion and feedback, which can help set your business up for future success.

Even if you’re not actively posting on TikTok, you can still use it as a resource

TikTok’s popularity is swelling, especially among younger generations. If you’re not familiar with TikTok or don’t think you have the time to commit to creating content for the app, don’t write it off just yet. Influencers on TikTok can set rapid-fire trends, making it a platform worth watching even if you’re only using it as a resource for relevant topics that could drive your content marketing strategy across other channels like blogs, YouTube videos, and posts for other social media platforms.

Because TikTok is often the starting point for unsafe trends and misinformation, be prepared to post content of your own that will clarify things and keep people safe. Check what topics are popular at the moment, and see if you can provide relevant expertise or a new perspective.

Additionally, talk to your clinical team about whether TikTok comes up in conversations with patients, parents, and doctors. These interactions could give you some great ideas for content as well.

Is Tiktok a good option for shockwave therapy advertising?

Tips for creating successful shockwave therapy advertisements on TikTok 

When creating shockwave therapy advertisements on TikTok, make sure you stand out from the crowd. Use creative visuals and captivating messages to get your shockwave therapy ads noticed by potential patients.

Influencer marketing is a great way to promote shockwave therapy treatments on TikTok – but be sure to choose influencers with an engaged audience that is relevant to shockwave therapy treatments. This will help ensure that your shockwave therapy ads reach the right people and generate more appointments for shockwave therapy clinics.

Finally, focus on telling a story with your shockwave therapy advertisement. Rather than simply listing facts or features of shockwave therapy treatment, focus on providing real-life examples of shockwave therapy success stories to engage potential patients.

Summing up!

With its powerful capabilities and ability to target specific audiences, creative content options, cost efficiency, and analytics/tracking tools – shockwave therapy advertising on TikTok is a great way to market shockwave therapy treatments in 2021. Follow the tips above to ensure your shockwave therapy ads stand out from the crowd and reach the right people for maximum success!

If you’re looking to get your shockwave therapy advertising off to a great start, contact ThinkBullish today! Our team of experienced shockwave therapy advertising professionals can help create an effective shockwave therapy ad campaign tailored to your business. Book a demo now to find out how we can help you reach more potential patients and grow your shockwave therapy practice. Get started with ThinkBullish today!

Zack Siegel

Zack Siegel


Zack is a conversion rate lover and PPC ad man spending most of his time optimizing.

He’s an avid bookworm, Chipotle’s most valued customer, and pursuant stand-up comedian…

We give him reality checks every day.