If you feel pressured to grow and scale your neuropathy practice faster, know that you can do that without adding complexity or frustration.  Growing your practice and taking it to the next level demands a strategic perspective, a forward-thinking approach, and proven systems. Our Patient Recruitment Method is one of our most effective systems that has produced remarkable results for many neuropathy practitioners like you.

Understanding and implementing this method will turn your growth dreams into a reality. Get ready to enrich yourself with actionable strategies that will save you from trial and error, eliminate unnecessary marketing spending, and accelerate your journey to financial abundance and professional fulfillment.

This blueprint has already generated substantial revenue and transformed many practices like yours, making it a must-have tool for success.

So, let’s get into it.

What is the Patient Recruitment Method?

I am sure you’ve come across various patient acquisition models or sales funnels, but the patient recruitment model that I am discussing in this post is not like any of these random processes. It’s a recruitment method utilized by multibillion-dollar companies and prioritizes both return on investment (ROI) and long-term relationships with patients—two fundamental aspects of an effective recruitment plan.

Grounded in a systematic and strategic approach, this method consists of three main stages: attracting potential patients, engaging with them, and ultimately converting them into actual paying clients. However, its scope extends beyond mere acquisition; it also emphasizes strengthening relationships with existing patients and leveraging their advocacy to drive revenue and attract new patients. In this method, each step is systematically designed to build upon the previous one, moving your practice closer to remarkable growth and success.

Dive Deeper: Watch my guide to get the context and more details about the neuropathy marketing patient recruitment method, along with case studies and real examples.

Stage 1: Patient Recruitment

The focal purpose of this method involves the fundamental objective of recruiting patients for your neuropathy practice. The first step begins with strategic positioning. Your prospects are bombarded with tons of advertisements left, right and center. In such a scenario, it’s not just about raising brand awareness. You must work on your positioning and improve how your office is perceived. Strive to position your practice as the one that understands patients’ needs and possesses the
skills and expertise to address these needs.  

With your positioning right on point, you are ready to generate traffic and leads by running targeted digital ad campaigns. The success of these ad campaigns is highly correlated to your positioning and messaging. Weak spots in these aspects may not attract the ideal patients to your ads. However, if your positioning and messaging align, it works wonders, and you start getting qualified leads.

As potential patients learn about your practice, they may inquire about your services, showing their interest and readiness to avail your services. Here, it is important to consider that such engagements with potential patients at this initial stage do not guarantee that they will also convert into actual patients. It requires extra effort and opt for phone screening interviews to assess potential patients’ conditions, needs, urgency, and financial situations.

In essence, conducting these exercises and strategies at the initial stage will make qualified and highly motivated patients come to your office, asking you to start and not the other way around. 

Of course, practicing these various exercises is no less than a challenge. Briefly, you need the following principles, strategies, and tactics to do it all:

Consider your website a patient acquisition tool. From its design to content and CTAs, everything needs to communicate your message clearly so that you can acquire highly motivated leads from it.

Get active on social media. These forums are perfect for connecting and building relationships with potential patients. Leverage these social forums to acquire high-quality leads.

Emphasize organic search engine optimization. Your website can be your key source to acquire leads, it necessitates you to work on its organic search engine optimization.

In addition to relying on your website and running digital targeted ads, consider utilizing referral sources. You can build connections with other providers or attorneys who may be able to refer new patients to you. 

Stage 2: Case Acceptance

The next crucial stage in PRM is about accepting the cases. You decide whether to accept a case or not by assessing applicants’ conditions. While you evaluate these prospective patients’ applications, it is important to consider both their needs as well as urgency. This allows you to prioritize your cases and put the most urgent ones on top.

The stage of case acceptance also involves conducting motivational interviews to dig deeper into your prospects. The purpose of this interview is to discover their goals and needs in greater detail. This understanding allows you to recommend customized treatment plans to cater to their needs. The last step of case acceptance is about conducting motivational interviews to gain a comprehensive understanding of the candidate assessment.

This may include a physical examination, review of medical records, and other diagnostic tests to see the prospects’ suitability for treatment at your neuropathy office. By assessing their physical condition and medical history, you can ensure they are a good fit for your recommended treatment plan.

This sequential approach to case acceptance sets the stage for successful treatment outcomes and long-term patient satisfaction.

Stage 3: Ascension & Advocacy

Now that you have accepted the case and the patient has received the treatment, what do you do next?

This is the difference between the conventional patient acquisition process and this strategic patient recruitment method.

While the common patient acquisition process solely focuses on converting leads into patients, this patient recruitment method goes beyond that and emphasizes ascension marketing and advocacy to derive revenue growth.

You limit your practice growth if you don’t improve each patient’s interaction beyond the initial visit. Rather than ending the relationship once patients leave your office, consider offering progressively higher-priced treatment plans with increased value and benefits. This approach not only boosts patient lifetime value but also enhances satisfaction levels while reducing marketing and advertising expenses.

Moreover, leveraging patient advocacy can be a powerful tool for attracting new patients. By soliciting feedback and testimonials from satisfied patients, you can build trust and credibility, ultimately driving word-of-mouth referrals and reducing dependence on traditional marketing channels.

Also read: Patient Success Stories: Leveraging Testimonials in Neuropathy Marketing

Harness Essential Capabilities

You cannot leave ascension marketing to chance. You must arm yourself with strategies as well as capabilities to cross-sell. Some of the prerequisites and preparations to practice the ascension marketing model include knowledge, skills, and experience. With thorough knowledge of your office practices and treatment details, the skills to convince patients, and experience tapping into patients’ needs, you can successfully convert an average existing patient into a high-paying one.

Build Lasting & Valuable Connection

To leverage ascension marketing and advocacy for your neuropathy marketing, you need to understand whether you have a strong connection with your patients. The stronger your connection with them, the easier the cross-sell. By nurturing a lasting and valuable connection, you can win their trust. It ultimately makes it easier to convince them to choose your higher-priced treatment plans.

Wrapping Up

Contrary to piecemeal solutions with scattered strategies, our patient recruitment method is a head-on systematic approach to acquiring new patients and expanding your practice. By adopting this strategic stance, you can attain impressive success. Beginning with a solid foundation, this method creates a pool of potential patients and guides them through various processes, resulting in a steady stream of patients and consistent growth. 

With this patient recruitment method, you can bid farewell to no-shows and canceled appointments and hello to sustained progress and success.

Intrigued by this method? Explore its implications for your neuropathy practice by scheduling a discovery call with my team here.


How can patient recruitment help grow my neuropathy practice?

A well-executed patient recruitment strategy helps you consistently fill your pipeline with high-quality neuropathy leads, increasing your practice’s revenue and allowing for scalable growth.

What keeps neuropathy patients engaged long-term?

Building trust through personalized treatment plans, regular follow-ups, and education about their condition ensures patients stay committed to their care and increases retention.

Zack Siegel

Zack Siegel


Zack is a conversion rate lover and PPC ad man spending most of his time optimizing.

He’s an avid bookworm, Chipotle’s most valued customer, and pursuant stand-up comedian…

We give him reality checks every day.