Your micropigmentation practice should consistently grow!

But what are you doing today to make it happen?

Think like your patients here, ask yourself what exactly is it they are looking for that your practice solves for them?

With tons of marketing tutorials, guides and todos, it makes sense that you’d want to try each and every strategy out there for the fear of missing anything.

The truth is, a “one for all” strategy doesn’t always work for every practice and not every marketing opportunity is meant for you. This is where it becomes important for you to sort out the dos and don’ts of your marketing plan.

Micropigmentation is a specialized field, so to gain new patients, your marketing needs to be quite targeted.

For a micropigmentation, practitioner understanding the nitty-gritty of the marketing may be a little overwhelming. 

So, let’s see how to best put together a sustainable micropigmentation marketing campaign keeping in view these dos and don’ts.

Do’s of Micropigmentation Marketing

These are the top strategies that we have seen working in our years of working with healthcare practitioners.  

Build a landing page!

Micropigmentation marketing landing page

Building a landing page is a quintessential part of your micropigmentation marketing. It is the major source through which potential patients can learn about the micropigmentation treatments that you offer. A client can learn more in-depth information about your treatments, can get in touch with you, and even engage through the contact form or online chatbox. 

It’s essential that you build your landing page in a way that conveys an easy, convenient, and seamless user experience.

While designing a landing page, you should ensure that the structure of your site is SEO-friendly. Keep in mind a few factors like load time, HTML snippets, optimizing title tags, metadata, optimizing headers, images, and videos, internal linking, and keyword distribution 

Also, read Three Things You MUST Know to Pop the Lid Off 💨 Your Advertising Long-Term

The right way to generate leads

micropigmentation marketing leads

The focus of lead generation is to improve the visibility of your brand on search engines. In simple words, it involves activities that bring your name on top or right in front of those who are looking for micropigmentation services. There are myriad ways that can optimize the visibility of your name and get you quality leads, here are some ways that you can follow to improve this process:

  • Improve Local Search: You focus on improving local search and lead generation. For that, you must update your address, location, working hours, services, and contact details on your Google My Business Account.
  • Index Your Website: Indexing your website is an essential step of SEO that must be there in your micropigmentation marketing plan. To help potential patients find you when they search for micropigmentation treatments nearby, you should also consider other forums like Yelp, listing sites, and local directories. Mention and cross-link your association with societies. For instance, if you are a member of the Society for Permanent Cosmetics, Micropigmentation and Permanent Makeup, you should mention that on your web page
  • Focus on Semantic SEO: Semantic SEO entails designing and writing your content according to the way people search for micropigmentation. This means that instead of writing about “micropigmentation” in general, you can talk about the “benefits of micropigmentation”. Producing content with long-tail keywords narrows down the competition and ranks you better on the list of results.



PPC Micropigmentation Marketing

Paid advertisements and promotional campaigns are important for your micropigmentation marketing. As a result of PPC, your ranking improves for high conversion keywords, familiarizes new clients with your practice, and improves your local search results.

If you think that being a micropigmentation practitioner, these things requires an expert level of skills, you don’t need to fret about it. These ads are easy to run and can conveniently be executed as a part of your micropigmentation marketing plan. 

You can even use data analytics to fine-tune your campaigns. If you are using Google Adwords Campaign, you can even utilize the tool to gain insights about the people who visit your website. It’s a great strategy to run retargeting campaigns that show your ads and promotional content to those who have visited your website. Running this sort of campaign increases the likelihood of high rates of conversions.

If you feel that these strategies are smart enough to gain new clients but you want expert guidance to implement these, schedule a call with our team here.

begin Neuropathy marketing (1)

Don’ts of Micropigmentation Marketing

I understand with frequently changing marketing trends, you’d want to stay up to date and in the wake of that would perhaps try to do everything others are doing. But, not every strategy is meant for you.

Smart marketing is realizing what not to do equally well as knowing what are the things that bring you business.

In this section, I am shedding light on the don’ts of micropigmentation marketing so that you do not end up hurting your efforts and time on something that won’t always work for you.


Don’t Post Content Inconsistently

content Micropigmentation Marketing

According to research, 90% of organizations use content in their marketing strategies. This implies that content marketing is a crucial strategy that should be there in your micropigmentation marketing plan. 

Hands down, the incredible results that this strategy can reap you is enough to give a good boost to your clinic. But, one thing that these medical professionals get wrong is that they think that they can update and publish content whenever they have time or when it’s feasible.

Know more about why you need content marketing in my YouTube guide here: 

Posting content inconsistently won’t give you sustainable results. There are several heads that come under the umbrella of content marketing such as blogs, videos, case studies, reviews, social media status updates, webinars, and much more. 

No matter what you choose, being consistent is inevitable. Whether you are updating video content on YouTube, publishing blogs on your website, or sharing reviews and testimonials; you can’t just post once and hope to get more queries, engagement, and new followers, let alone gain new patients.

Many consultants and coaches like me dish out the advice that content marketing is a great way to boost your practice, but it is imperative to mention that whatever content marketing strategy you adopt, you must be consistent with it. In one of my videos on my YouTube channel, I discussed consistent advertising in detail. 

Don’t Opt For Fake Testimonials & Reviews

Micropigmentation marketing strategy

When we talk about micropigmentation marketing and gaining new clients, we know a lot depends on testimonials and feedback from your existing clients. Sometimes many practitioners opt for posting made-up reviews or fake testimonials. This in particular a common case for those who are just starting out in their field. According to a study, 91% of consumers prefer to associate or make purchases with an authentic brand rather than with a dishonest brand. We are living in a technology-driven age, where everything is connected. It does not take very long to track back the person with whose name you post reviews. 

My advice for all those who are struggling to get testimonials from their patients is that it doesn’t matter if you have only a couple of reviews. You can further ask your clients to share those on their own social media profiles as well. Also, you can creatively use even a couple of reviews in multiple ways. If only a couple of your patients agree to provide you feedback, you can make a video of one testimonial and can ask another one to post your review in a relevant Facebook group. So regardless of limited reviews, there are other ways in which you can bring a different spin to the same testimonial.

Don’t Jump Into Another Campaign Without Analyzing Results of Previous Campaign


When I work with healthcare practitioners, one of the things that I often notice is the desperation to see results. Out of this frustration, you might end up running multiple campaigns without measuring the outcome. Whether this works or not, a prudent way to implement micropigmentation marketing strategies is to analyze the results of previous campaigns before launching another one.

One of the greatest advantages that you get from analyzing your marketing campaigns is that you get chunks of useful marketing insights. You can then utilize this marketing data to identify unique client categories to improve your marketing plan and clientele.

Also, you can use this data to track key performance indicators of client conversions. You can see what sort of content engages potential patients, a location that drives more patients to your doorstep, and the time it takes to convert leads into patients.

You can pick up useful data from this analysis and alter your strategies accordingly. This way you can maximize the impact of your micropigmentation marketing.


Wrapping Up

These are some important do’s and don’ts of micropigmentation marketing that I believe would act as a guiding light to creating a great marketing plan. Follow these recommended strategies, avoid the don’ts and you’ll be on your path to gaining new clients.

If you want to avail the services of a professional agency with ample experience in your niche, schedule a discovery call with my team.

Check out other blog posts that can help you with different aspects of the marketing 

The Harsh Reality of Screenings, Dinners, and Lunches

3 Tweaks To Book More Appointments…By 50%  (no joke)

Facebook Marketing for Lead-Generation

Zack Siegel

Zack Siegel


Zack is a conversion rate lover and PPC ad man spending most of his time optimizing.

He’s an avid bookworm, Chipotle’s most valued customer, and pursuant stand-up comedian…

We give him reality checks every day.