Ranking up higher on the world’s most famous search engine, Google is no less than a battle. The only good thing about this battle is that you know the key weapon that can help you conquer this battlefield. That weapon is optimizing your content for a search engine, or simply put, SEO.

If you just started your neuropathy marketing on the digital landscape and aim to rank higher on Google, you’re in luck!

In this blog post, I am sharing everything possible that you can do to bring your office’s name up on Google.

Steps to Run an SEO Campaign for Neuropathy Marketing

Use Appropriate Keywords

If ranking up higher on Google search results is the number one agenda on your neuropathy marketing, the first and foremost thing you must know is what you want to rank for. For that, you must think about the search terms that your prospects may type in the search box. These terms are your keywords. For instance, a prospect possibly types “neuropathy clinic near me,” so these are your keywords.

On the other hand, if you want to keep this guesswork at bay, you can take the help of keyword research tools. These tools highlight keywords for your field. Not only that, but these resources also give you intricate details such as: 

  • How many times a keyword is used in a month?
  • How challenging it would be to compete for particular keywords?

These nuggets of valuable information give you a fair idea of where you stand and what you need to do for your SEO strategy.

Long Form Content Pieces Are Google’s Favourite

This strategy is a straight no-brainer, not only from an SEO perspective but also for your overall neuropathy marketing stances. Look at this logically, the longer your content is, the more keywords you can incorporate. But, here’s the catch! When I say long-form content, I don’t mean fluff and fillers. Your content should be the scoop full of peanut butter – in-depth and render valuable information to readers.

The most ideal way for you to do this is by publishing blog posts. In addition, you can also think out of the box to make your landing pages feature long-form content. For instance, you can add FAQs with answers loaded with keywords. When you do this in a drop-down style, your landing page looks neat and clean yet features great content.

Neuropathy marketing SEO

Attract Qualified Leads With Lead Magnets

When a prospective patient visits your clinic’s website and you ask them to provide you with some information, you’re asking for a little too much and a little too early. At this point, prospects do not provide information for free.

Here, you need to think about something valuable you can offer. Once you have something of value for them, they willingly share their contact information in exchange. That something valuable acts as your magnet to attract leads.

For instance, your lead magnet can be a webinar or an educational video. You can then reuse this magnet in your other neuropathy marketing stances. Additionally, other great examples of lead magnets include newsletters, free trials, research papers, ebooks, templates, and checklists.

While there are so many options for your lead magnet, the task is not as easy as it would seem and requires careful consideration of a number of things. I am sharing a few tips below that will help you with creating effective lead magnets as well as with your overall neuropathy marketing:

  • Curate highly valuable content to add to your magnet
  • Show your lead magnet only to interested prospects
  • Offer different lead magnets for different funnel stages
  • A/B test your lead magnet
  • Track, analyze, and optimize your magnet.

Too busy with your practice and cannot make time for lead-generation strategies? No need to fret! My team and I at my agency, Think Bullish, help many practitioners like you to grow their practice, and we can certainly do the same for you too. To learn more about our services, schedule a call here.

Neuropathy marketing

Make Your Content Skimmable

You know, you have to transform your neuropathy marketing strategies with the trends. The same holds true for your SEO strategy. Now, Google aims to provide brief answers to people’s searches rather than displaying a list of pages. This means that people can get the information they are looking for without having to click even a single link.

So, the real deal is how Google comes up with this brief answer. It extracts information from web pages and presents that as the answer. Hence, it is important to make your content easily skimmed. You can do that through heading tags, meta descriptions, and of course, by using simple and easy language.

Adding Visuals & Images Can Help

There are a number of ways in which adding images can help your neuropathy marketing and rank you up on Google. First, you can use images as a captivating tool to keep visitors for longer on your page, and secondly, your image can make your page rank up on image results.

Opt For Backlinks

Back up your neuropathy marketing and SEO strategy with backlinks. Backlinks weigh quite heavily when it comes to improving your website ranking on Google. A backlink is a link to your website featured on another website. This is a great way to drive traffic, establish credibility and, of course, improve ranking.

When you pursue neuropathy marketing strategies like collaborations and partnerships with influencers or opt for any sort of PR, always ask for backlinks.

Dig Deeper Into Search Queries

You need to dig deep into search queries to improve your ranking. Through this investigation, you try to find out what queries are bringing people to your clinic’s website. Through this exercise, you get to know additional headings and keywords you can aim for. To find out these search queries, you can use Google’s own search console tools.

The Power of SEO for Your Functional Medicine Marketing A Beginner’s Guide

Bonus Tips

Above, I discussed some of the easy-to-implement and basic strategies. But I also have a few tips up my sleeve that can amp up your neuropathy marketing and SEO strategy.

Use video content to target how-to and tutorial keywords. Video content gives you an edge to show up higher on the result page. A good idea would be to accompany the “how to treat neuropathy” keyword with video content. This will not only be good for your SEO but also for your overall neuropathy marketing.

Doing a SERP analysis using a tool is another step I’d recommend for your neuropathy marketing team. It can help you define your SEO strategy. This analysis presents a crystal clear view of what exactly you need to rank up for a particular keyword and how realistic this would be.

Adding schema markup is another thing that you can do. Although it is not directly related to ranking, it can play an important role in improving your clinic’s visibility in the search result and contribute directly to clickability. Adding schema markup is a way to tell Google the kind of content that is featured on your website.

Wrapping Up

These are some of the great tips and tactics that you can add to your neuropathy marketing plan and rank your clinic’s website higher on Google. However, I also know that it’s a job easier said than done.

Of course, there are technical details involved, and if you’re a practitioner trying out your luck with this guide, it can be quite challenging. You can, however, get a hang of it with time, experience, trials, and errors. To get you started, I have tried to keep things simple and give you some basic steps with which you can at least start your journey.

At my agency, Think Bullish, we work with many practitioners to boost their practice with proven strategies and experience; no fluff, no filler. If you are interested in giving us a shot, schedule a discovery call here.

Zack Siegel

Zack Siegel


Zack is a conversion rate lover and PPC ad man spending most of his time optimizing.

He’s an avid bookworm, Chipotle’s most valued customer, and pursuant stand-up comedian…

We give him reality checks every day.