You’ve decided to start running Google ads to market your neuropathy practice and attract new patients. Congratulations!

Google Ads is the perfect platform for marketing your business to those who suffer from neuropathy. So, if you’re looking to get new patients for your neuropathy practice, you might want to consider running Google ads. 

After all, there are a number of things that make it easier to find the right people for your practice:

  • The Google AdWords platform effectively reaches potential new patients and advertises your services.
  • Google Ads can help you target specific audiences based on their interests and location.
  • You can use keywords and phrases that will bring in people who are searching for those words and phrases themselves!
  • The Google AdWords platform is easy to use—you don’t need any special knowledge or training to set up a campaign successfully.

Here’s how to get started.

Understand Your Target Patient for Effective Neuropathy Marketing

The first step in any marketing campaign is understanding your target patient. When it comes to neuropathy, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, neuropathy affects people of all ages, so your ad should be accessible to a wide range of potential patients. 

Second, many different conditions can cause neuropathy, so it’s important to target your ad specifically to those who are most likely to be interested in your treatment.

Select whether or not you’d like your ads to target by location or device type (mobile/tablet devices only). This can help Google know what kind of user is looking at each ad. That way, only phones or tablets of online shoppers looking for a relevant product or service will display your ads. (Rather than wasting money on advertising to people who aren’t interested in what you have to offer).

Google ads for neuropathy marketing (2)

Create Compelling Ads

Once you know who your target patient is, you can start creating ads that will appeal to them. 

When it comes to neuropathy, it’s important to focus on the benefits of treatment rather than the condition itself. After all, patients are looking for relief, not a reminder of their pain. 

Use strong headlines and persuasive copy to make your ads stand out, and be sure to include a call to action that encourages patients to reach out to you for more information.

You’ll need to come up with a catchy headline and write some compelling copy to convince potential patients to click through to your website

You’ll also need to choose the right keywords to target. When selecting keywords, focus on ones that are relevant to your practice and that potential patients are likely to use when searching for a doctor specializing in neuropathy treatment. 

Once you’ve created your ads, you’ll need to set a budget for your campaign. Be sure to start small at first so that you can see how well your ads perform and make adjustments as needed.

On my channel, I recently talked about how to keep your advertising efforts consistent. If you’re struggling to keep your advertising consistent, follow these simple principles to see success.

Bid on Relevant Keywords

Choosing the right keywords is one of the most important aspects of any Google Ads campaign. For neuropathy marketing, there are a few key terms you’ll want to bid on, including “neuropathy treatment,” “nerve pain relief,” and “neuropathy symptoms.” 

By targeting these keywords, you can be sure that your ad is visible to patients who are actively searching for information on neuropathy.

Google Ads are all about keywords. When potential patients search for terms related to neuropathy on Google, your ad will appear if you’ve bid on those keywords. 

That’s why choosing the right keywords for your neuropathy Google Ad campaign is essential. You want to choose keywords relevant to your practice that potential patients are actually searching for. Use tools like the Google Keyword Planner to research which keywords are most popular among potential patients. 

Once you have a list of relevant keywords, it’s time to create your ad. Your ad should be clear and concise and include a call to action (CTA) telling potential patients what you want them to do next. For example, CTAs like “Call us today for a free consultation!” or “Click here to learn more about our neuropathy treatment options” tend to perform exceptionally well. 

Monitor Your Results

Once your neuropathy marketing Google Ads campaign is up and running, it’s important to monitor your results so you can make necessary adjustments. 

Keep an eye on your click-through and conversion rates, and adjust your campaign accordingly. If you don’t see the results you’re looking for, don’t be afraid to experiment with different ad copy, keywords, or targeting options.

Running a successful Google Ads campaign for neuropathy marketing requires careful planning and execution. 

Once your campaign is up and running, it’s important to monitor it closely so that you can see how well it’s performing. Pay attention to your click-through rate (CTR) and adjust your budget accordingly. 

If you’re not happy with the results you see after a few weeks, don’t be afraid to make changes to your ad copy or target different keywords. With a little trial and error, you should be able to find a winning formula for your neuropathy marketing campaign.

Google ads results for neuropathy marketing

Things to keep in mind

  • The goal of Google Ads is not just to get clicks on the ads but also to find people interested in what you’re selling and get them to click through to your website or contact you. This is particularly true for companies dealing with medical products like yours.
  • When someone searches for “neuropathy” on Google, some of the top results will be links back to websites where they can learn more about the condition and how it affects them personally. The more prominent these links are on page three of search results, the more likely they are going to be clicked upon by someone searching for information about their condition.
  • If someone clicks through one of these links and lands on your site, congratulations, they’re now directly in your world! And the chances of them purchasing your product line/service offerings (such as pain relief) are high because that’s precisely what they’re looking for.

To Sum Up!

To get started, create catchy ads with compelling copy and target relevant keywords. 

Then, monitor your campaign closely and make adjustments as needed. With a little patience and experimentation, you should be able to run a successful neuropathy marketing campaign using Google ads. 

By following these tips, you can create a successful Google Ads campaign for neuropathy marketing. Pay attention to your results and make adjustments as needed, and you should be able to generate leads that can convert into new patients.

If you are still unsure about any area of neuropathy marketing, feel free to schedule a call with my team here.

Neuropathy marketing
Zack Siegel

Zack Siegel


Zack is a conversion rate lover and PPC ad man spending most of his time optimizing.

He’s an avid bookworm, Chipotle’s most valued customer, and pursuant stand-up comedian…

We give him reality checks every day.