I am pretty sure, you must have heard one of the versions of the following statements:

  1. Optimize your chiropractic YouTube channel. 
  2. Gain more patients through chiropractic YouTube ads.
  3. Convert your leads into patients through chiropractic YouTube ads.

Heard any of these, whenever you talk about growing your practice? You must have! This is true because you cannot simply miscalculate the impact that YouTube marketing can have on your practice.

Adding YouTube to your marketing mix and witnessing its benefits are inevitable for growing your practice, but the real juggle is how to do that in a way that maximizes your ROI and lands you strategic results not only in the present but also for the long haul. That’s where you seek guidance and support from an expert.

It takes an umpteenth number of trials and errors to get mastery over running chiropractic YouTube ad campaigns successfully. Luckily with my experience, I have learned the ropes and now sharing some valuable factors that you must bear in mind while running chiropractic YouTube ads.

Get The Knack On Different Types Of YouTube Advertising

Get The Knack On Different Types Of YouTube Chiropractic Advertising

Talk about growing your chiropractic practice to any consultant or digital marketer and they will tell you, run YouTube ads!

What they don’t tell you is the intricacies that the whole idea of running YouTube ads encompasses. You can not truly make the most of YouTube ads when you do not know about their different formats. YouTube has different types of ads in its offering. Here’s a brief overview of each type of advertisement that you can consider for your chiropractic marketing:

  1. Video Discovery Ads: This type of ad appears on the home page and in search results when someone runs a search on YouTube.
  2. TrueView In-Stream Ads: If you run this type of chiropractic YouTube ads, you’d only pay when your audience takes an action or watches the ad for at least 30 seconds or till the end.
  3. Non-Skippable In-Stream Ads: These ads can be 15 to 20 seconds long and can be played before, in the mid, and at the end of the main video.
  4. Bumpers: Bumpers are 6-second video ads that are played before chosen video of the viewer and are non-skippable. 
  5. Overlay Ads: It is a banner ad that appears at the bottom of the video. It is a great way to opt for non-intrusive advertising.

So, you see how there are different types of ads, each with its advantages. When you choose your chiropractic YouTube ads, you must align them with your objective and your budget.

Also, read: Chiropractic Marketing: The “Cheat Code” To A Million Dollar Practice

Get Your Creative Juices Flowing To Create The Ad

Once you determine the type of ad you are choosing as your chiropractic YouTube ad strategy, the next step is to create an ad accordingly. What I want you to keep in your mind is that you don’t necessarily need to spend a mammoth amount on production. I have seen many simple ads outperform their fancy and flashy counterparts.

Wondering why?

Simply because these simple ads have a better copy, better story, and better execution of ideas. Use your creative juices to create an ad that articulates a compelling story, connects emotionally, and highlights the benefits of your services. Because honestly, as a chiropractor when you help people relieve their pains, more than physically, you heal them emotionally. Devise your chiropractic advertising strategy, produce the ad and nail it.

Also, on my YouTube channel, there’s a video that discusses top advertising chiropractic strategies. You can stream through it if you want to attain a general understanding of the chiropractic advertisement strategies.

Gear Up To Tackle Technical Details

There are a lot of nitty-gritty issues when it comes to placing your chiropractic YouTube ad on the platform. But luckily, if you run ads on other social media forums, you can smoothly navigate through this. 

These technical details typically include: creating a campaign, configuring it, defining your target audience, setting a budget, selecting placement, bidding, and other details. 

All these steps occupy immense importance and can be pretty intimidating if you are trying out your hands first time on YouTube ads. One thing that I want you to bear in mind that can help you is to attach each and every action of running ad with your objective. This way you’d be able to find the best answers for everything.

For instance, while describing the target audience for your chiropractic YouTube ad to promote a follow-up discount offer, you’d choose to remarket; whereas, to promote a referral program, you’d select a look-alike audience.

At Think Bullish, we produce real and measurable results for many chiropractors like you! We possess ample experience as well as expertise to run chiropractic YouTube ad campaigns and improve the footfall of patients. If you are interested in knowing more about all the incredible things we can do for you, schedule a discovery call with us here.

comprehensive Neuropathy marketing plan (1)

Drive Desired Outcomes By Adding Appropriate CTA

When we talk about YouTube ads, the major focus goes to video production, script, and visual appeal and in that, we often forget about important aspects that occupy strategic significance. I have seen immaculate video ads that lack as important a factor as a call-to-action button or link. 

What’s a YouTube ad without a CTA? Absolutely nothing! The platform allows adding CTA and even an auto-end screen to derive your prospects to take an action. You can link your campaign landing pages to guide your leads to take the desired action. Having a CTA is a must for your chiropractic YouTube ads.

Also, read: Facebook Ads for Chiropractic Marketing (That Gets Patients): My Complete Tutorial

Dare To Try And Opt For Trial And Error Formula

You can implement the most thoughtful and mission-aligned chiropractic YouTube ad strategies, and still, there’s a possibility that it may not give you the results you expect. This is because there’s no secret formula and no one-fit-for-all tactic that can guarantee success for your ad campaigns. Some ads work to gain leads while some perform well to retain existing patients. When you run chiropractic YouTube ads, you must be daring enough to try and opt for trial and error. Always make 2nd and 3rd versions of your ads so that you know what resonates with your audience. You can only master the art and science of running successful YouTube ad campaigns through trial and error.

If you want to get an idea of how Think Bullish can help you get more patients to your office, check out a case study on my YouTube channel that shows how this chiropractor got an 8-10× return.

Evaluate, Measure, Reinvent, Repeat

Here’s a thing: you cannot simply manage things that you cannot measure. To excel, move forward, and attain valuable results consistently, you need to evaluate and measure your chiropractic YouTube ad strategies and performance. And then, reinvent to perform even better and keep on repeating the steps to stay in the game.

This second most visited website on YouTube automatically provides you with various metrics related to your ad performance. In fact, this data lands you so much information that it can blow up your mind if you are a newbie on the platform. However, if you look at some important factors like view rate and click-through rate, you will be quite sorted to evaluate your performance. These stats can give you a clue about what’s working and what’s not.

A low view rate may signal that your video ad is not catching your prospects’ attention. A low CTR on the other hand may mean that you are targeting the wrong audience.

Use this data wisely to evaluate your performance, take corrective actions and then continue to watch out for your performance. You cannot just leave things on auto to pick up the pace. That is why it is imperative that you keep on repeating the process of measuring and reinventing.

Though these chiropractic YouTube ad strategies can surely produce results for your office, the whole idea of running these YouTube ad campaigns can be a little tricky. Especially, if you do not possess any experience and know-how in digital marketing.

The best bet in such a situation is to avail the services of a reputable agency that can do the job for you. If you wish, you can schedule a call with my team here and they will fill you in on all the services that we provide and produce real results for medical practitioners like you.


Chiropractic marketing and advertising
Zack Siegel

Zack Siegel


Zack is a conversion rate lover and PPC ad man spending most of his time optimizing.

He’s an avid bookworm, Chipotle’s most valued customer, and pursuant stand-up comedian…

We give him reality checks every day.