Do you want to work with attorneys to gain personal injury patients, but the significant investment of time, energy and resources keeps you away from this?

Many chiropractors avoid personal injury marketing because it takes a toll on them, but they also miss out on capitalizing on the opportunities it presents.

It does not have to be this way! There are systematic ways and strategic tactics that you can use to practice personal injury marketing and get new patients through attorneys, guaranteed. 

Yes, that’s true.

I have worked with many chiropractors like you and helped them improve and streamline their partnership with personal injury attorneys. I can share their proven process of working with personal injury attorneys. So, grab your coffee and read on to discover proven strategies to make working with personal injury attorneys a breeze.

Watch my YouTube video, featuring a real chiropractic doctor discussing how he collaborated with personal injury attorneys to grow his practice exponentially

Laser-Focused Attorney Outreach Strategy

How do you decide to reach out to an attorney?

Do you spot an attorney in your area and hit him with cold calls and emails to collaborate with you?

If that’s the way you pursue chiropractic personal injury marketing, it’s high time to review your approach.

Capitalizing on personal injury attorneys for your chiropractic office is not about casting a wide net and reaching out to just about anyone or everyone. Instead, be laser-focused and precise with your targeting. You would want to work with attorneys who align with your values and professional ethics. The idea behind laser-focused targeting is to find a good fit for your practice so that you can form a symmetry with them and help people with your services while growing your practice.

The best way to start with a precise targeting strategy is to map out and trace all attorneys in your area who specialize in personal injury and reflect the same values and professionalism as your practice. Once you identify a list of attorneys who can be good fits, the next step is to connect with them. The best practice is implementing a tailored outreach strategy meeting their interests and needs. This personalized approach to communication ensures that you reach out not only to the best fit but also sets the foundation to build a strong and mutually beneficial partnership.

Establish Trust to Foster Partnership with Attorneys

Attorneys want to have trust in you to refer their clients to you. They need to be sure of your capabilities, expertise, and reputation.

As important as trust is, it is equally difficult to establish. It does not happen overnight. From initial contact to ongoing communication and the full bloom of your partnership, you need to take strategic steps that establish trust. For instance, your outreach communication should be transparent and clearly state your expectations and what you can provide them. Then, it is also of utmost importance for you to deliver on each promise and follow through on all commitments. You can also use your patients’ testimonials and feedback to strengthen this trust further.

When trust is there between attorneys and chiropractors, the partnership lasts longer, and they prefer your practice to refer to their clients.

Network & Connect to Gain Attorney’s Attention

One of the pillars of successful personal injury marketing is networking. To form meaningful connections with attorneys, go out there, attend events and show your authentic personality to gain their attention.

When you attend events, seminars and mixers, don’t just show up. Strive to be your brand advocate and bring your authentic self to these interactions to make these attorneys remember you and want them to work with you.

With just a little homework, you can acquire information about attendees of events and their interests. You can then tailor your conversation accordingly. For instance, you can craft an appropriate introduction and decide on stories to tell beforehand to make them aware of you and your office. Also, don’t just end your interaction as the vent ends. Have a follow-up strategy and get back to them with a personalized message.

All these strategies can separate you from the crowd and strengthen your connection, resulting in a lasting and fruitful partnership.  

Not sure how to get started with the right strategy for your clinic, schedule a discovery call with our team here.

Chiropractic marketing and advertising

Automate and Streamline

The number one reason many practitioners fail to make the most of personal injury marketing and working with attorneys is performing rote tasks. The best deal with this is opting for automation and streamlining your system. Every time you want to take a chance on an attorney, you cannot spend time crafting the initial reach-out message and then working out ways to build trust and start working with their referred patients. You need a system with every element well-defined and ready to use, freeing yourself from repetitive tasks. Some key factors that must be an integral part of your personal injury marketing system:

  • A database of potential attorneys that you should reach out to
  • Customizable outreach communication material that you can edit and send to attorneys
  • A follow-up strategy to take final cues from potential attorneys

With such a system, you can manage the whole exercise of ceasing the deal with attorneys.   

Manage Your Reputation

Managing your online reputation can make a big impact on your chiropractic marketing. It rings especially true when it comes to working with attorneys. It is no wonder that attorneys gauge your reputation before collaborating with you; therefore, you must check all the boxes. Some of the steps that you can take to polish your digital demeanor are:

  • Make sure your website is updated and loaded with the correct information
  • Publish positive reviews and feedback
  • Address complaints and negative feedback tactfully
  • Connect with like-minded professionals online

Taking these steps will not only portray an impressive image in the eyes of attorneys but also help grow your practice in general.

Your Next Move

Marketing your chiropractic practice to personal injury attorneys is challenging and takes time, energy and resources. That is why many practitioners avoid it altogether, and rightly so. From identifying the right attorneys to communicating with them effectively to gain their attention and to making an effort to maintain the relationship, this is indeed a tough job. Even then, it does not guarantee that your partnership will reap fruitful results. With the strategies and plan I discussed above, personal injury marketing to attorneys is not only doable but can also be immensely lucrative for your practice. With these strategic tactics and a well-defined system, this overwhelming task can become a breeze and guarantee notable results.

To implement a proven system like this for your chiropractic office, schedule a discovery call with our team here.

Zack Siegel

Zack Siegel


Zack is a conversion rate lover and PPC ad man spending most of his time optimizing.

He’s an avid bookworm, Chipotle’s most valued customer, and pursuant stand-up comedian…

We give him reality checks every day.