Do you know what’s even worse than not having an advertising strategy?

It is having an advertising strategy and not witnessing results!

Medical advertising can be tricky, which is why generic guidance from Google can’t always provide the tailored solutions clinics need.

Every clinic is different, offering unique services and treatments to diverse patient populations. That’s why specificity, precision, and laser-focused strategies are essential to ensure an impressive ROI on your ad spend.

Through years of devising and implementing ad strategies for various clinics, I have identified systems and processes that consistently generate results. These components are crucial for any practice looking to attain remarkable results from advertising.

Let’s explore these six pivotal components that can make or break your ad campaigns.

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1. Define Your Value Ladder

Oftentimes, doctors and practitioners initiate their ad campaigns by promoting their treatments or services, expecting a sudden spike in patient acquisition. However, such average strategies typically produce ordinary results. 

A more strategic approach to running a successful ad campaign is to work on your value ladder first. It is an experience-led growth system, beginning with offering a low-ticket or sometimes even a free incentive to engage with your office. By providing an exceptional experience, you can gradually move patients up the ladder to high-ticket programs or services.

Having a profound understanding of your value ladder is crucial. It guides you in determining what to advertise and how to do so effectively. This method has proven to deliver breakthrough growth, often double that of your industry rivals.

2. An Irresistible Godfather Offer

Behind any winning ad strategy must stand an irresistible offer that lures your potential patients to your office.

So, how do you craft such an offer?

The psychology behind purchase decisions revolves around two fundamental factors: value and price. Your offer must embody both. But here’s the key: your offer should not promise a generic or vague value; rather, it needs to be concrete and compelling enough to capture their attention. 

Creating a value-driven offer requires active listening to your patients, analyzing feedback, and understanding their pain points. This will allow you to tap into their needs and roll out an offer accordingly. 

There are several strategies to make your offer irresistible. These include leveraging social proof, offering complimentary items, or presenting enticing deals such as ‘buy one, get one free’ to reduce perceived risk.

By incorporating these techniques, you can create offers that not only attract but also convert potential patients.  

3. Scroll-Stopping Ad Creative

Now that you have a well-defined value ladder and have crafted an attractive offer, it’s time to focus on the specifics of your ad. 

Your ad creative plays an important role in communicating your offer to your targeted patients. The focal purpose of your ad creative is to stop the scroll, gain the attention of your potential patients, and engage with your message.

The best ads are those that don’t look like ads. Meaning, make your ad creative stand out by keeping them relevant, relatable and as raw as possible. For instance, rather than using generic stock photos, opt for real images that resonate with your patients.

Your ad creative serves as the gateway for potential patients to enter your ecosystem, so ensure that it contains all the elements necessary to entice and encourage them to the next step.

Dive Deeper: Interested in learning more about these advertising strategy components? Watch an expert webinar where I invited healthcare practitioners to delve into the crucial elements of an effective medical advertising strategy.

4. Attention-Grabbing Ad Copy

The ad creative is table stakes but the ad copy is a step-change factor of your campaign. 

A lot goes into crafting an attention-grabbing copy that encompasses intricate details. However, winning ad copies usually adopt the AIDA (attention, interest, desire and action) framework.

Following AIDA guidelines, you start with a hook that grabs your audience’s attention. Then, you move on to building interest by adding details that demonstrate your understanding of your audience’s problems and needs. The next step involves transitioning to creating desire by highlighting the benefits and solutions your clinic offers. Through your copy, you aim to paint a vivid picture of the positive outcomes they can attain by choosing to avail of your services, motivating them to take the next step. Finally, you add a crystal-clear CTA to guide them on what action to take next. 

5. The Funnel Factor

Many practitioners believe that the ultimate purpose of their ad campaigns is to direct their ad traffic to their website or to get them to fill out generic forms on Google or Facebook. However, this narrow approach may overlook the broader goal of effectively engaging your audience, potentially undermining your overall marketing goals. The savvy approach involves creating separate funnels.

Funnelizing your campaigns keeps your potential patients focused on the desired action. On the contrary, by directing traffic towards your website or forms, you risk losing your audience’s attention. So, instead of diluting your efforts by directing traffic to your website, opt for targeted funnels tailored to each ad campaign for optimal success.

6. Consistent Improvement Produces Consistent Results

Creating an effective ad strategy is not a one-and-done exercise. Creating an ad campaign and letting it run its course without making necessary adjustments can lead to ad fatigue and diminish returns. 

Break this cycle by testing more frequently and more rigorously. By constantly refining your ads, offers, and funnels, you not only prevent ad fatigue but also uncover valuable insights that drive better results. By opting for continuous improvement, you set yourself up for long-term success and derive consistent results.

Wrapping Up

Crafting result-producing ad strategies can be daunting, especially when you have little or no experience in digital marketing. Luckily, there are guidelines, frameworks, and systems that can aid you in refining your ad strategy and derive tangible results from it.

Need help in devising ad strategy for your practice? Schedule a discovery call here and let’s discuss how we can help you.

Check more insightful guides here.

Zack Siegel

Zack Siegel


Zack is a conversion rate lover and PPC ad man spending most of his time optimizing.

He’s an avid bookworm, Chipotle’s most valued customer, and pursuant stand-up comedian…

We give him reality checks every day.