Patient acquisition is critical to the growth of your practice. In fact, it won’t be wrong to say that it is the direct throughline to more lucrative operations. There are many guides available on Google talking about neuropathy advertising strategies and marketing tactics for patient acquisition. While there is some great info readily available about the topic, I often notice that the information often overlooks the practical details.

My aim here on this blog is not just to discuss theories. I believe in real stuff, real strategies, and real results. So, I am sharing with you a system for patient acquisition that emerged out of experience and practice.

Patient Acquisition for Neuropathy Marketing: Essential Steps

Step 1: Raise Awareness

The process of acquiring new patients becomes more effective, authentic, and results-driven when your focus is on the core. The focal point or the core of acquiring new patients is raising awareness about your services, your treatments, your clinic’s name, your experience, and your expertise. In short, you need to figure out how to translate your USPs into a token that’d bring you more patients.

There are multiple channels you can utilize to raise awareness about your practice and the treatments you provide. From neuropathy advertising to SEO, digitalization has opened up many doors to raise awareness about your practice. For instance, you can maintain a steady stream of keywords-enriched and SEO-led blog posts to attract prospects who are actively searching for your services. On the other hand, you can also attract those who are not actively looking for medical assistance through neuropathy advertising on social media platforms. Say, if someone suffering from nerve pain may feel the urge to seek assistance if your ad pops right in front of them.

Needless to say, there are many options and strategies for acquiring new patients.

But there’s a problem – who has the time to first learn these strategies and then implement them?

That’s why we’ve created Think Bullish, a specialized agency that helps medical practitioners like you grow their practice exponentially. To learn more about our services, schedule a discovery call here.

Neuropathy marketing

Step 2: Lead Generation

It’s easier to work things out when you try to source appointments from a wider pool of prospects rather than relying on one standard list. And, that is where the concept of lead generation jumps in. While neuropathy advertising campaigns about raising awareness may help you gain the attention of some prospects, the process of lead generation helps you find people who are likely to avail of your services.

The lead generation process leverages a number of tools to captivate the attention of potential patients, spark their interest, and convert them into actual patients. To start off with your lead generation, you first need to define your approach by answering the following questions:

  • Who are your potential patients?
  • What do they care about the most?
  • How will you evaluate and keep track of your success?

Once you have answers to these questions, you can then better utilize the tools to generate leads. A typical lead generation process comprises the following steps:

  • You capture leads through forms or sign-ups. This activity gives you a wider pool of potential patients.
  • You then score your leads to see which potential patients are likely to convert.
  • The next step is to use landing pages or other tools to seek further information from your handpicked prospects in exchange for something valuable.
  • You then further work on these generated leads through calls and other mediums, which is actually our next step, lead nurturing.

Step 3: Lead Nurturing

Once you have a wider pool of prospects that you might have generated through neuropathy advertising and other lead-generation strategies, and you have scored your leads to determine which ones are likely to convert, the next thing on the agenda is to nurture those leads.

The qualified leads won’t automatically convert on their own; you’d have to make efforts overtime to give the ultimate push to these leads to finally take action. 

For lead nurturing also, there are options available such as email marketing and running highly targeted neuropathy advertising campaigns, but nothing beats and gives guaranteed results than following up with leads through calls. In my practical experience, this strategy works like a breeze for patient acquisition. All you have to ensure is that your sales team is highly professional and skilled with persuasive skills to convert your leads into patients. When you contact your leads through a phone call, you initiate two-way communication. 

It depicts whether the prospect is convinced to avail of your treatments or not. If your prospect is ready to do business with you, your call agents make an offer, and if your sales rep thinks that a prospect needs to be filled in with more information, they will do so accordingly. It is also a great way to establish trust, answer queries, and convince leads to convert.

Another thing that I’d like to mention is the significance of CRM build-outs. These build-outs are great for managing data and keeping track of all your lead-generation exercises.

neuropathy patient lead generation

Step 4: Making An Offer

While nurturing your leads, an offer made to your prospects can be a great tool to increase the chances of conversion. This offer can be any sort of discount, sale, or anything extra that turns a regular service into something extraordinary. You can make this offer both online or by visiting your office. 

For instance, if you are giving a free pass to join a webinar, it will be an online offer. However, if you are giving a discount on your fee, they can avail of this offer by visiting your office. But, no matter what you are offering, you must ensure that it is substantial enough to lure your leads and convert them into patients.

Of course, this raises the question of what makes a good offer. Consider the following checkpoints to ensure that your added benefit has strong enough magnetic power to convert your leads.

Make your offer substantial: A survey conducted to depict consumer behavior regarding coupons and discounts suggests that people consider a discount of at least 25% attractive enough to take action. 

Provide enough time for prospects to take action: You should give enough time to your leads to make up their mind and eventually book an appointment.

Use landing pages to educate your prospects: My advice is to always use campaign-specific landing pages to educate your prospects about your offer.

Communicate terms and conditions: It’s very important to clearly communicate the terms and conditions within which your prospects can avail of your offer.

Step 5: Acquiring Patient By Rendering Service

When a prospect books an appointment and avails of your services, he becomes your patient. The key here is to give the offer you promised in your neuropathy advertising campaign and render services that leave them satisfied. Here, you need to pay emphasis on your operational aspects. 

You must be able to cater to new patients’ needs or required treatments. If you are heavily investing in neuropathy advertising and getting a great influx of appointments, your clinic and staff must be capable enough to meet these demands. You must know that you only acquire a patient when you successfully render the service. A prospect who books an appointment and never shows up or changes his mind after visiting your clinic will render all the exercise to waste.

Also, maintaining your relationship with your patient doesn’t end when you render the service. It is equally important to take care of your patient’s experience, satisfaction level, and feedback. All these factors are crucial and come under the phenomenon of patient retention, which is actually an extension of patient acquisition.

Targeting Your Chiropractic Marketing Who is Your Ideal Patient

Wrapping Up

I always say that when you create systems and define mechanisms for your core functions, you end up attaining nothing but excellence. The systematic approach I discussed above for patient acquisition will surely guide you in gaining new patients. It’s a logical step-by-step guide that starts from the basics and brings you down the sale funnel seamlessly. All you have to do is ensure that you implement these steps with due vigilance and bring your own marketing spin to further improve results and remove what’s not working in your favor.

And, if you need the help of a professional agency, consider Think Bullish, where I, along with my team, help many practitioners to boost their practice. To discuss what you’re looking for and what we can do for you, schedule a discovery call here.

Zack Siegel

Zack Siegel


Zack is a conversion rate lover and PPC ad man spending most of his time optimizing.

He’s an avid bookworm, Chipotle’s most valued customer, and pursuant stand-up comedian…

We give him reality checks every day.