My Complete Facebook Advertising Walkthrough for Chiropractic Marketing

Did you know that most people waste tens of thousands of dollars on Facebook Advertising before they make a penny?

Did you know that most chiropractors also, experience the terrible “agency-hopping” fiasco for months and years, often hiring over a half-dozen “marketing gurus” before every finding a system that works?

It tends to leave most offices wondering if Facebook even works..?

Should you blog all day? Post 100 videos? Run Google Ads? TikTok?

What a heart-wrenching disaster it can be trying to find a REAL solution that works consistently to get new patients…

We all just want a plug-and-play solution to flood our doors with streams of new “hungry-for-care” patients.

Well, in this video, I’ll be covering the strategies we’ve learned directly from managing almost 100 chiropractic and integrated offices’ advertising in multiple markets across the United States.

We’ve generated millions of dollars for our clients and have had many of them staying with us for years. That’s simply because, what I’m about to cover WORKS!

Tune in to learn exactly what it takes to be wildly successful (consistently) on Facebook advertising.

Below is a transcript from the video above. I’m sharing this because over the last few months, since publishing this, many people have reached out thanking me for sharing.

Reference the transcript or tune into the video and get setup with your new campaign to get new chiropractic patients.

Opening Up the Facebook Business Manager

This is the backend of Facebook, where all of magical ads management takes place.

Chiropractors! Zack Siegel here. And in this video, we are going to go over, start to finish how to create profitable Facebook ad campaigns. Okay. And after running literally tens of dozens for chiropractors across the country, tune into this because I’m going to be revealing so many secrets, so many things that most chiropractors, most marketers just haven’t even uncovered. Okay, so to start off we need to go number one to You will see the business manager. Go ahead, click login with your Facebook account.

The Facebook Business Suite

All right. So we got in. All right. So now you’re going to see a screen. Usually, you’ll just see your name in the Facebook Business Suite. The platform is constantly changing its design, so find a way to get to the ad account. If you have created businesses, you can also use this where basically you’ll open up the business, and then you’ll see your specific ad accounts, Facebook pages, and all that good stuff. So we’re going to go ahead and just open up an ad account and you’ll get to a white screen. Now, in the video, I have a couple of campaigns already set up, as you could see there, but we’re going to go ahead and just click the green button and create a new campaign.

Creating Your Facebook Campaign & Selecting Your Campaign Objective

And I want you to understand that this is frequently changing. Facebook updates this so often. So just know it might look a little bit different but the steps typically remain the same. So just look for the same information and you’ll be good to go now.

Real important: Campaign objectives:

This can be very overwhelming if you haven’t run Facebook ads before and just like the 80/20 rule, most of this won’t even matter for you. You just don’t need to use it too much. The two campaigns that I recommend starting with are going to be either conversions or lead generation. If you have a funnel built out or a really well-built website (most aren’t made for conversions)then you could use conversions. If you don’t use lead generation or hire someone to build a landing page/funnel for you. We run most of our campaigns for clients with conversions, and then we build out funnels in my agency for them.

The Lead-Generation Facebook Campaign Setup

Lead generation still works well. So if you don’t have that don’t worry about it for now. Basically with lead generation, everything will happen on Facebook. You can collect leads on Facebook without you even having to build funnels and without you having to have much technical experience. For the purpose of this video, I’m going to show you how to do this with lead generation, because it’s going to cater to most people watching. If you already have this stuff built out, click conversions and it will work basically the same exact way. Now go ahead and name your campaign. It typically doesn’t matter, but for me, I like to keep this stuff very organized because if you are running a lot of campaigns, it will be important. So I’m going to give you a very simple strategy to do so.

My Complete Facebook Naming Mechanism (To Keep Things Organized)

You could do C1 for campaign number one. This will be a cold campaign because it’s targeting a cold audience. We’ll say lead generation “LG,” and we’re going to be using a “CBO,” campaign-budget optimization and then chiropractic. For the ad set, it’s going to be similar “A1 ” for ad set one and then you can add abbreviations for the various different ad set characteristics and do the same for the ad. The ad will be labeled “L” for lead form “IMG1” for image one.

Selecting Your Daily Ad Budget & Ad Scheduling

So now we have this creative, it’s not a special ad category, so don’t worry about that. All of this looks good. We don’t need a campaign spending limit but you could explore that if you do want. We’re going to set this up to campaign budget optimization, which I recommend, and we’re going to set a daily budget. So let’s say $20 a day. Over 30 days, that’d be $600. I’d recommend, I mean, you could do this with as little as $5 a day. It just depends on what you want to spend, ad scheduling, etc. We would have to change this to a lifetime budget if you want to do that, where if you want to set it up during certain hours or things like that, usually I don’t recommend it though, because most of your leads actually will sign up after hours.

So I encourage you to set a daily budget and set it to whatever you’re comfortable with. You can always scale it and hit that and let’s get going. Now, you’re gonna want to select your Facebook page. We’re going to run it for my father’s practice Health Solutions of the Palm beaches. And you’ll see, I’m going to run this just like a very standard campaign. So what I’ll typically do I’m going to show you exactly how we do it. So daily minimum, we’ll set this to $5. So that means that basically this ad set. So like back up, we have campaigns, ad sets and ads. Okay.

While you are at it, also check my latest guide on how to strategically invest in chiropractic marketing.

Campaigns, Ad Sets, and Ads Explained

Campaigns are the overarching thing. Inside of the campaign, there are ad sets and the ad sets, you could have multiple of them inside of one campaign. Okay. So this is where the testing goes on. And then also inside of those ad sets, you could have multiple ads where additional testing is going on at the ad set level.

Audiences, Interests, Locations, Ages, Genders, Languages, and Ad Placements

We have stuff like audiences, interests, location, age, gender languages, placements of the ad. Are they showing up on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp messenger, where their audience network and then just like strategy. Okay. campaign level there’s strategy as well. And then the targeting options, which we selected lead generation. So there’s that, and then there’s the budget types for the most part, so lifetime or daily budgets and that the ad level is going to be what type of ad or we, it, so graphics, images, graphics, videos what type of copy, like text headlines, all that different stuff. Okay. So I hope I’m not confusing you. Here we go though. We’re going to dive in. So let me just find out where to grab this address. And I recommend doing this for 99% of practices. We want to select not people living in or recently in this location, people living in this location, unless your practice caters to those who are traveling tourists most I know do not. So we’re just going to click that and we’d click it’s weird. This isn’t showing up.

Selecting The Right Age (Based On Your Ideal Patient Avatar)

There we go. Sweet three was thrown off. So we have this notice here that it has a 390,000 potential reach. Okay. So that’s fine. Now I’m going to say my dad is marketing for sciatica conditions. Okay. Chiropractic sciatica degeneration in the back. Maybe some decompression, typically these patients are a little bit older, so I hear a lot 50, 55, 45, right. It depends on your practice and what you tend to see, but we’re going to set this to ages 50 to 65 plus. Okay. And now you can see the potential reach has dropped quite a bit. So now we’re at 140,000 people. In fact, I think he sees, he sees some that are younger though. So we’re going to drop it usually five below what you’re comfortable with and we’re going to start there. If you know, your, your pop, your age is older.

Go ahead and set that once again, I do recommend five on both five years on both sides. But go ahead and set what you’re comfortable there. Both genders are good. We do not, he does not speak English or have anyone he does speak English and doesn’t have any other language in that office. So you’ll want to make sure you’re selecting that if you’re in an area like south Florida, where there is a lot of Spanish speaking as well all this is good. I’m going to leave this open. But I will give you some ideas on some things you could do. And this is something that you test at the ad set level.

That’s where you create multiple ad sets. So you have one that doesn’t have any interest targeting. And then another one that has stuff like chiropractic treatment, technique, interests you know, maybe a health-related interest, etc, where you could search for health.

So there’s a lot you can do here is what I’m showing you. Health interests, health and wellness interests. You’ll see stuff like alternative health interests, healthy diet, healthy lifestyle.

Not sure how to get started with a groundbreaking chiropractic marketing campaign, schedule a discovery call with my team here.


Focus on Differentiation

If you want to stand out from the competition, you need to use a differentiation strategy for your spinal decompression marketing on Facebook. This means finding a unique selling proposition (USP) that sets your practice apart.

First, take a look at your competition. What are they doing that’s working well? What could they be doing better? Identifying the gaps in your competition’s strategy is a great way to start thinking about how you can set yourself apart.

To do this, start by brainstorming what makes your practice special. Maybe you offer longer appointment times or have a state-of-the-art facility. Perhaps you have a specialized team or use the latest technology. Whatever it is, make sure it’s something that your target market will find valuable.

Once you’ve identified your USP, start promoting it on your Facebook page. Use eye-catching visuals and benefit-driven copy to tell potential patients what makes you different. You can also create targeted ads that highlight your unique selling proposition.

Chiropractic marketing and advertising

The Target Size Of Your Audience (For The Best Results)

So you could do a lot here to really test just watch how, when you add those, if your potential reach really drops you want this to be as close to 200,000 as possible. Usually if you’re over a hundred thousand, you could still have a pretty successful campaign. I mean, we have campaigns running to only an audience of 10,000. So you could get profitable ads for both, but essentially the more people you have the cheaper it will be. Okay. So try and get that within reason where people are still gonna show up and they are the ideal patients. But if you could pull off both and have this as a big audience, you’re, you’re gonna, you’re going to have a very profitable campaign.

So we’re going to leave this to just keep things simple, but understand this is something to explore. We test this a lot and there are some things that you could explore dating singles. There are some I’ve been toying with as a single guy. But there’s a lot, I mean alternative medicine you could, you could do, we’ve seen, we’ve seen things work if you target people with iPhone users people that have newer iPhones tend to be higher quality. They tend to be newer phones in general but they tend to be, they spend more money. So there’s a lot you could do.

We’re going to leave this open, like I said, automatic placements, manual placements once again, so the way Facebook works, if you leave things more open give them more options, they tend to find what will work best for you.

How & Why To Test Ad Placements

And if you give them that freedom, they tend to find it. So there’s two things to test in your local market, automatic placements. If you don’t want to deal with it, if you don’t want to test stuff, you just click automatic placements. It’ll be totally fine. Otherwise you could click manual placements and you will place things on Instagram feed and I’m checking these off to deselect them. And then just Facebook newsfeed, just these two, and you see it didn’t affect our potential reach. So this is where 90% of all of our leads come from. Just select those. Okay. show more options.

This is all good. This is all good. I wouldn’t worry about this stuff. And go ahead and move on to that next. That’s like for manual bidding and stuff, which I wouldn’t, I’m not even going to tell you to get involved there. You don’t need to select your Instagram account. If you don’t have one, that’s perfectly fine. Cool. So we have that good.

Now actually, I’m going to go over how I would organize these ad sets just to be clear. So I would set up 45 to 65. Plus we have a set of 10 miles, English and manual placements, which is Facebook newsfeed FNF and I F okay, so 45 to 65 plus 10 miles FNF slash I F and I think that’s it. And then we have English and just, just do this because when you are testing, then it makes it a million times easier. And we’ll call this a one ad set, one alri go.

Here is how to Create Your First Facebook Ad

So now all we have to do is create the ad. So it’s that simple. So now what we want to do is, and even show you for spinal decompression, we can pull up one that we’ve previously run so we could create a form.

Usually we could duplicate these, let me see. So here we go. So we’re going to make this just for chiropractic form. So more volume is usually good. You could see that they have made these so recently, so they require multiple steps anyway, so more volume is perfectly fine. So form type more volume because at this intro, I encourage use of images from your ad. Okay. Don’t use a new image. We probably set this up a while ago, claim your spinal decompression voucher below includes consultation, exam, report of findings. This worked for us in the past. I think that’s fine. 

That’s what I would do so we could remove the greeting. As you can see, I don’t run a bunch of lead forms. These will drive leads and I’ll tell you that they aren’t always going to be as high of quality as a thorough funnel. Okay. If you do want to get set up with quick marketing, do this. Okay. They work, I’ll tell you they work well. You can get some, some lower cost leads and you can get a lot of them pretty easily. However, now, if you want to ramp up and really get high quality stuff, that’s when you’re going to go to a funnel. So I’m going to show you some videos to get started with that in the future. But if you’re looking to get profitable campaigns set up right now, this will get you there.

Setting Up The Facebook Lead Form For New Patient Leads

I promise. So I would remove this and it removes the friction. And then basically what we’ll say is fill out these short questions and unlock your voucher instantly. That is perfect. That’s some marketing language there. And then we want a full name, email and phone number. Okay. privacy, add your privacy policy if you do have one, so just link your website there, privacy policy, federal rules apply. You can have something like that. And now this is really important.

How To Maintain A High-Quality Lead From Lead Forms

Most people set up the lead form and they’re done. Okay. But now if you want to increase the quality of these leads, have them call you. Okay. Have them go through additional hurdles. And I wouldn’t just say, check out our website. No, I wouldn’t do that. Have them call your office to confirm the voucher. Okay. And we’re going to, I’m going to circle back in a minute and go over offers.

So it won’t always be a call, but what we typically run for our clients is this type of thing where we are creating an offer around a free consultation or a discounted exam, consultation, and report the findings or whatever the case may be. Some doctors want to give free treatments away whatever the thing is, but ultimately we’re giving them some sort of voucher where they can get something to come and see if they qualify or whatever the case may be, get a test of the treatments, whatever the case may be.

But so when they do claim this voucher to confirm the voucher, we have them call. So this is a prime example, wait, your registration is not complete. And we’ve tested this. This works because “the vouchers are given on a first come first serve basis. Please give us a call now to activate your voucher and claim your spot. Only 27 vouchers are available. Click the button below to give us a call.”

Now call business is the action you want after they optin. So you can see there, call us now to reserve your voucher and you can put your phone number there. Okay. And then you would just click publish. So I’m going to publish this. So now we have a chiropractic form. Okay. and now real quick, because to circle back, so now we have this all set up and we could now do a number of different things.

The Anatomy Of A Winning Chiropractic Ad

So there’s a couple key pieces to now building the winning ad. So we went over just briefly getting this, the stuff set up in Facebook, but now the next major part to a really successful campaign is going to be the ad. Okay. So that is the graphic image or video or, and the copy. Okay. And the copy being the headlines, text description and all of that good stuff. So I’m going to go over some strategies for the headlines in just a second, as well as the text.

Chiropractic Facebook Ad

First, Get Clear On Your Offer

But before we even touch that, we need to be very clear on our offer. So I want you to think about what you have given away in the past that has attracted people to your office. Okay. If you haven’t given anything away in the past, what are you willing to give away now to attract people? And most people think about this and they’re like I don’t like giving away stuff. Right. Which is totally okay. I’m not telling you to just give away everything for free. I’m telling you, we need to craft something that is resistible. We call it the godfather strategy where it’s irresistible enough for people to say “yes” so people can’t resist. It. I’m like the godfather. Right. I’m going to give you an offer. You can’t refuse. Okay. So you want to give them so much value up front that they can’t refuse it.

That’s why free stuff really does work well. Whether it’s a consultation to see if they qualify it could be a free ebook to learn about your condition, right? Crafted in a very nice way. It could be a free webinar, free training. It could be a free seminar. It could be free dinner, free lunch, free event with, with COVID right now, you know, a free online training, a free virtual event, a free virtual consultation, a free phone call, right. You can do all this different stuff. Okay. I encourage that. It doesn’t also have to be free. It can be discounted. Right. We have a lot of guys giving away discounted exams in consultations. Sometimes, you know, the first adjustments that have a discount where it’s just included in that, and there’s a package that finds that offer and creates that offer something that is really, really powerful and gets very clear on that.

And once you’re clear on that, then we’re going to start working on this. Okay.

Second, Writing Your Patient-Producing, Million-Dollar, Ad Copy

Strategies & Frameworks To Write Effective Copy

Now, when we start working on the text I usually encourage starting with the text first. Okay. Start with this. We call it copywriting. So we use a format for writing the primary text where it’s of interest. And we’re going to remove this after of course, but action. So grab attention, then you want to get their interest, get them interested, essentially make them desire what you’re talking about and then get them to take action. Okay. So before we write that, start with the headlines where essentially here, you could add up to five, which I recommend adding a couple. But here basically let’s say we’re going to run a $47 chiropractic exam and consultation and report the findings. Okay. What I would do here is, you know, the first one we could say is $47 life changing. Right. So you can do all sorts of stuff, but that’s an example, maybe of one where it’s pretty offered. You could say something like an open letter to chronic back sufferers. How have you, how 

Avoid drugs. We do so much, so put together some headlines here, right? 

Yeah, there we go. So we’ll, we’ll run it with four, just to keep this going. Here are four really good examples. You can go ahead and do all sorts of stuff here. So, you know, just really try. And the idea is you really want to build value in this headline. This is one of the most important parts of the ad. So focus on this focus on the benefits of this and don’t neglect this. Don’t just like, write anything, like really take some time, think about this, right. At a bunch. With my team, we read out 15 for every single ad that we create. And then we select the top few that we liked the most that we think are going to perform the best and then plug them in here. And I’ll tell you, nine times out of 10, we surprise ourselves.

And the ones that we don’t think we’re going to perform as well, or the ones we didn’t know, we thought certain ones were going to be the winners and we’re always surprised with other one’s performing better. So put together a bunch here and and you’ll be able, you’ll be in a good place. Same thing with the descriptions. So the descriptions are usually a little bit longer with these though, I like to, I really like to think about these as being like a ninja type of way to build in extra value. It’s kind of like the PS on an email where everyone reads that PS, right. And advertisers will put the most powerful part of the email in that PS part of the email. So even if you don’t read everything, everyone scrolls down, they check the PS, they scroll to the bottom and like to scan it before they read it. They check the PS and then if they like it, they’ll read the rest of the letter. That’s similar to what this is. So the description, what you want to do here is add something really valuable. So we could put all sorts of things. You could put a quote, you could put a testimonial, you could put just a little bit of a story about yourself. So like, let’s say Dr. Siegel has…

See something like that. We’re just like a bunch of social proof. I’ll give you one more example where it could be like So it’s like here we’re creating a new, a new thought pattern. This is a little bit more than Facebook ads, but this is so important to making this stuff work. Find out how

So something like that. Those are two examples where you could see, like there, it’s very focused on the benefits. It’s very focused on social proof and very focused on being something that’s new, big and powerful. So right. A couple of those as well. You could also write up to five here, so, so jam those out and you’ll be in a really good place now for the primary text. I told you attention, interest, desire, and action. So I’m going to give you an example of a piece of copy. Now one thing to take note of is a lot of people always ask me, should my copy be really long? Or should it be really short? People aren’t going to read something that’s long, right? You would be very surprised most of our copy for a winning ad that perf that are winning ads that produce patients who show up in sign up for care programs are long they’re very long.

How Long Should The Ad Copy Be?

Okay. So don’t be afraid to make it very long. The rule of thumb for writing long ads is, is it engaging if it’s long just to be long, it’s not a good ad if it’s long, because there’s actually information that you needed to add, which was important and it is entertaining then it’s great. Okay. So let’s grab attention. So this first line is going to be very important for grabbing attention. I’m going to show you an example of one let’s say a tense city name, so point beach and surrounding areas. So now immediately we’re connecting with the people in this area Does not have to be a license. So we have their attention now, right? Because we’re speaking to these chronic pain sufferers, we’ve called out many of their conditions. And now we have their attention they’re listening. Right? So now let’s grab it, let’s get them interested. 

Next miracle drug. And I’ll tell you, like, of course I understand this market very well. My dad’s a chiropractor. We work with a lot of chiropractors. But if, and I’m sure if you’re a chiropractor watching this, then you, of course do as well. If not, you know, if you’re not a chiropractor, if you’re not familiar with this market it’s going to be very important to do the research first. So understand this market before you write this at, but here we go. I’m going to dive right back in. So most doctors today are fast to provide the next miracle drug. So what we’re essentially trying to do now is we want to create their interest, but we don’t want to just give them the solution. You could do that. If, if you’re, if you’re you could do that where it’s like keeping it short me, I have more experience writing. So I’m just going to show you how I would write this. So most doctors today are fast to provide the next miracle drug or a quick to to say that Quick to, I’m not in love with that word, but we’ll run with it. Could you say that surgery is the only option? 

Truth is… Okay. We’re kind of just winging it, but that gives you an idea. Bam, a little quiet, but you can see I’m working here. I’m doing this for the next. We might run this ad. I’m doing this for the next 15 people this month, Click the button below and complete the form. Gotcha.

Bam. So you can see that. And then just, we come over here, delete action, delete desire, delete interest, and delete attention. Okay. So if you drop a message in the comments, I could send you exactly this piece of copy here that I just wrote and you’re, you’re welcome to run it for yourself. But this could basically be used for spinal decompression and chiropractic patients. Anything you have for chronic back conditions, it could probably be tailored to but that’s a prime example of a good piece of copy here. I even tested this one, of course. So I’ve no idea if it will perform, but based on my experience with the market, I have a feeling it will, it will definitely pull some leads. So it could definitely be well within, within anywhere from a couple of dollars to I’m sure we’ll pull good leads.

The Secret To Consistently Generating Profits From Your Advertising In Local Markets

So this will definitely drive a profitable ad campaign though. I can almost guarantee that a big part of advertising in this market in local markets is constantly producing more of this stuff. So you saw, I just produced a one, one ad here. We can definitely continue to produce more and I’d really encourage it. And, and that’s a little, a little sneak peek into the Facebook ads creation.

Secrets to Selecting The Right Ad Image For More Patients

Now, one other quick thing is for images. See what you have on, on your website, you stuff, some of the best images are simple images of oh, here, we’re on the Facebook page. We can see if we have some stuff here. Some of the best images are images of your staff. Do you have the doctors and stuff? So like that, that would be a good image. I just saw one with the patient. This would be a great image.

Yeah, this is perfect. He’s holding his neck. This is my grandfather too. So we might run that one. This one, I like the only thing is this, isn’t an older person who we’re targeting this. This is a younger woman, so it’s probably not the best fit. Let’s assume this woman gave us permission to run her as an advertisement. Cause she’s like our ideal target audience, at least from my pops practice. So we’re going to download that. It looks like it’s already edited with the logo on there and now we’re just going to come over here and it’s real simple. Just click upload. We might see in the background, I was running some dating ads. They didn’t work, but it was, it was well worth the experience. All right. So there we go. We have that. So check it out. And now that’s what the lead form will look like. And now we could see…

Here we go. Bam, $47. Life-Changing chiropractic assessment for chronic back pain sufferers. So that is it. And then basically, I’m just going to show you, we’re going to click publish here. Now the cool thing also about lead forms is this is all you have to do. Okay. When you get this plugged up and plugged in, this is all you have to do.

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The Powerful Tools To Create Targeted Ads

Facebook offers audience tools through which you can reach people who are most likely to be interested in your chiropractic services. By running targeted chiropractic Facebook ads, you reach relevant patients as well as get in a position to create more personalized, meaningful, and lasting relationships with your patients. Here are three major audience tools that the platform offers that can help you run targeted ads.

1. Smart Targeted Ads Rely On Well-Defined Core Audience

When you run your chiropractic Facebook ad, you have to accurately define your audience for smarter and better ad targeting. One of the audience selection tools that Facebook offers is Core Audience. This platform empowers you to decide where your ad should appear. To describe your core audience, you get the following parameters:

  • Location
  • Demographics
  • Interests
  • Behavior
  • Connections

On the basis of these parameters, you can curate an accurate profile of your ideal patient and set it for your chiropractic Facebook ad. Remember, the key here is to narrow down the selection of these aspects so that your ad only appears before a relevant audience. Leaving your ad to be broadly targeted won’t give you tangible results.

If you maintain a broad core audience, you may achieve an impressive reach and possibly even good engagement. However, this approach might not always result in new appointments or increased office foot traffic. 

For instance, if your office is located in Florida, but you target Ohio within your core audience, the audience may appreciate your ad, but they are unlikely to travel for your services. Therefore, it is crucial to accurately define your audience profile and set your core audience accordingly.

2. Ensure Impressive Targeted Ad Performance Through Custom Audience

When you create a custom audience for your chiropractic Facebook ad, you reach out to people who have previously engaged with your office online or otherwise. 

People in this set may range from your site visitors, app users (if you have an app), active information seekers (through calls or direct messages on social), or even people who have availed of your chiropractic treatment. You set a custom audience for your chiropractic Facebook ad in the following ways.

Whether you have a proper CRM system or just maintain important information about your patients in an excel sheet, you can retarget them through your chiropractic Facebook ads. You can sync up data from your CRM or your contact list on Facebook and convey an offer that will make them come back to you once again. All you have to do is format your data in the way the platform accepts and you are ready to roll out your message to this audience.

You can also reach out to people who visit your web page to seek information about your services, book an appointment, or do any sort of activity there (reading the blog, checking contact details, or giving feedback). To do the job, you have to install Facebook pixel on your website. Facebook pixel is a code that you get to put up on your website that tracks users’ activities. This pixel automatically creates a set of custom audiences for your site visitors.

Lastly, if you have an app, you can also create a custom audience through Facebook SDK, which drives people to opt for in-app actions

3. Getting New Leads Is A Breeze With Targeted Ads

So, you’ve found your patients from your chiropractic Facebook ad, and they even gave you good business.

What’s next?

Obviously, you’d want to get new leads to further expand your leads. The good news is that you can easily find your new leads if you run targeted chiropractic Facebook ads.

Simply put, you have to set a source audience comprising people you know, or you have done business with, and then your ad reaches people similar to them. It is just like taking the audience of your targeted ad who actually converted into clients and creating a lookalike audience.

Pro Tip: While creating a source list, make sure that you have at least the data of 1000 patients to let the platform map out and find similar people.

This feature allows marketers to tap into another set of audience who exudes similar characteristics and the same level of interest in your service. An easy-peasy way to find new potential patients.

The Remarkable Benefits Of Targeted Ads

There are many powerful ways through which targeted Facebook ads serve you. To make sure you understand the importance of opting for these, I am highlighting some benefits that you can harness from targeted ads.

High ROI Guaranteed With Targeted Ads

Whenever you opt for any sort of investment, the next inevitable and immediate aspect you consider is its return. The same goes for investing in your chiropractic Facebook ads. If you are willing to spend on Facebook ads, the number one strategy that can guarantee high returns is targeted ads.

Through targeted chiropractic Facebook ads, you eliminate people who will not be interested in availing of your services and reach only the right audience at a lower cost.

To explain it in the simplest of ways, I’ll give you this example: If you had multiple keys to one lock, you’d try out different keys to know which one would open the door. It would take your energy and time and leave you frustrated. However, if I label the key to the door, you’d only try that key. Similarly, targeted ads don’t address a different group of audiences just to see if they’re interested or not; rather, these ads only appear in front of interested potential patients.

Boost Awareness And Engagement With Targeted Facebook Ads

One of the powerful impacts of running chiropractic Facebook ads is that you can easily boost engagement and in turn, raise awareness about your brand and the services you render. 

When people see an ad relevant to their needs, they are more likely to respond to it; thus it boosts engagement. They like the ad, comment, and share it with their friends and families. This way, you don’t only get impressive engagement, but sharing your ad with friends or tagging them in the comments brings in new followers and potential patients.

A Guide To Creating Relevant Ads

Another major benefit of running targeted chiropractic Facebook ad is that your ads are highly relevant. Plus, targeted ads also provide guidelines about your ad’s copy and creatives. 

For instance, when you create copy for retargeted ads, you’d use different words than you use for the core audience. Your captions will be descriptive and will aim to raise awareness for an ad targeted toward the core audience, whereas your retargeting ads would accompany captions that highlight benefits.

Troubleshooting: What To Do If This Isn’t Working For You

So I am telling you if you follow this step-by-step I promise you, you will get patients in your door. The one thing that I will tell you to take note of is if this isn’t working, look at the ads, look first, actually your audience is too small.

But I told you before you could get it to work regardless of the size of the population in your area. But that could affect it. And then otherwise, look at this. What does your ad look like? Okay. Is your offer really strong? Okay. Is your headline powerful? Is your image attention grabbing? Does it, does it look tremendously like an ad where people, you know, aren’t going to care about it where it just, it yells like that salesman car salesman, or does it look like something that people would be interested in and does it grab the attention of the people you’re trying to reach?

Okay. And then and then based on that, if the offer is really, really powerful and if the offer isn’t, I mean, that’s, that’s gonna be the number one reason why this wouldn’t work. If you’re, if people in your market are doing something that’s much, much more powerful that could be a reason, but otherwise, I mean, this stuff, this stuff works when this is well written, regardless of what other people are doing, this stuff works. So give it your best go. This should perform. The display link is optional. That’ll just show this is a new form on Facebook. So we’re going to change that and we’re just going to make it just make it as a website, health

Selecting the Right Button Text For Your Ad

There we go. Sign up button. You could learn more. Usually it doesn’t work as well. So I’d encourage you to sign up, download and apply now, and get offers from all those different ones. Institute form is good. You could test the automated chat. I like the incident forms to be honest. But I know a lot of people have had success with the automated chats and that is it. So click publish, and we’re good to go.

If you have any questions, hit me in the comments. If this was valuable, please share it.

So if you do want in the comments hit me there and I’m more than happy to send you this exact ad, this exact copy, this exact headline, all of this.

So you can swipe it and test it for yourself. And then secondly, if you do want to work with us as a chiropractic marketing chiropractic office feel free to reach out.

You can check out our training throughout our website. We have free, very valuable training. If you found this valuable, you will love that because I’m going a million times deeper on the strategy. Our philosophy for really taking things to the next level.

And number two, you, there also is a place where you could apply to book a call with us and actually work with us. So go ahead, hit those, check those out.

If you have any questions, you can also check out more here on our website and at the very least I appreciate you tuning in for this long checking this out and stay tuned for more videos. I’ll see you later. Take care.

Frequently Asked Questions

What It Means To Split-Test Your Ads & Why It's Important

So testing more images, more copy and headlines and different stuff, and then they’ll be running against each other so that then Facebook will be able to test and you’ll be able to see based on the data, which ad is performing better.

And then come over here and turn off the one that isn’t. And that’s how you really optimize Facebook ads if you continue to test. Now you can see we also have this ad set, so the same thing happens here. So we’d come over here and click quickly to duplicate, and then we’d have another ad set where we could test more.

So maybe we’ll test stuff like interests, the age, all those other things, which I broke down for you. So that’s a, that’s a pretty quick and I mean, extremely valuable chiropractic marketing strategy Facebook ad tutorial. Okay.

Do I Need A Crazy Pixel Website Development Stuff With This?

You don’t have to add any crazy pixels, like you’ve probably heard about or all sorts of other stuff with the conversion campaign on your website, you will. But that’s it. So now you’ll see us in review and now what we often will do is we’ll click duplicate quickly duplicate, and you’ll create another ad with more variations.

Zack Siegel

Zack Siegel


Zack is a conversion rate lover and PPC ad man spending most of his time optimizing.

He’s an avid bookworm, Chipotle’s most valued customer, and pursuant stand-up comedian…

We give him reality checks every day.